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Your Genworth letters please

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  • Your Genworth letters please

    Hi folks

    For anyone who have made a reclaim via Genworth underwriters and have been rejected, please would you kindly post up your letters here (Remove/delete private personal details).

    I hear they are now starting to reject complaints, yet they were upholding previously, so am anxious to know what reasons they have given you to reject your complaint, maybe what they wrote in the letters are the same from word to word.

    I was one of the fortunate ones to be successful and I do know of many others too, but its understood they supposed to have made a point just recently that they will no longer take any liability??

    Mine was from over a year ago, so my feeling is that they didnt receive many complaints back then, but as the FOS are suggesting the underwriter/insurer avenue to many, they must be receiving no end of complaints.

    I look forward to reading the letter you received from this company, thank you in advance x
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Your Genworth letters please

    Thank you very much for bringing such an important matter to our attention, Di!
    My understanding is, that according to the law and regulation, they, underwriters, are partly responsible and liable. The law did not change, as far as we know, so they cannot just now start to deny their liability, just because it costs them a lot. What about us! They owe it to us. We were paying for years. It was fraud. They are not doing it as a charity. They are responsible and have to honour it and to refund.

    The FOS has a good reason to suggest to us this avenue.
    At the same time it is disgraceful that banks like Santander, when they are dealing with the cases, when they are not under the FOS (before 2005), reject genuine complaints, which should be upheld. That is why the only way to pursue the cases is to go to underwriters, who are getting fed up picking up bank's mess and refusal to behave according to the FCA guidelines, which do apply to the cases before 2005.
    However it is not an excuse for Genworth to avoid their liability.
    We should compare their rejection letters. It is very important to see what is the reason now, that they change from upholding to rejecting and denying their liability, which is stated by the rules.
    Genworth is a regulated by the FOS company and they should accept their partial responsibility.
    Also we have to put much more pressure on the banks like a Santander or Creation, and make them do their job.
    thank you.


    • #3
      Re: Your Genworth letters please

      Hi Di, Victoria,

      I cannot use the technology but my letter from Genworth was a "tick box", with a comment. Something to the effect that they were satisfied that the sale was satisfactory. ( I have now had 3 refusals from them..............just to be sure, to be sure!!!!!!!)



      • #4
        Re: Your Genworth letters please

        Hello, my dear L'pool,
        the sale could not be satisfactory if GE Capital was charged £610,000 fine for failure to comply with the regulations. This fact is without shadow of doubt.
        Genworth picked the wrong company to side with, with the worst possible reputation. They, Genworth, however, are under the jurisdiction of the FOS, they are regulated, they are liable, at least partly, so, it is not in their best interests to be in breach of the FCA guidelines!
        still, please have another go at satan. Loulou got hers sorted out after previous rejection.
        may be to mention at both companies (satan and Genworth) that you are escalating your case and reporting it to the press, your MP, FOS and FCA. Also to santander non executive directors, whose obligation is to ensure their fiduciary duties etc.
        you can mention that you are aware that there are similar, almost identical rejections letters which are sent to everyone! just with different names filled in. This is not the way it should be handled, not at all, on its own the case for the FCA, as every case should be investigated individually!
        You can mention that you found other similar cases and you are joining forces with other people in the similar situation.
        you believe they failed to treat the customers fairly and to handle complaints and regresses properly. You believe that there are a lot of old "cold" cases which should be reopened.
        you can see that they are not going to honour GE Capital's promise to redress properly, which was the only reason they got 30% discount on their penalty. You see it is an institutionalised attitude, which is fraud. It is much more than just some individual cases and you are going to take it as far as necessary to sort it out for everybody.
        go hard at them, please!
        they have to learn their lesson.
        furthermore, for now you were asking just for the PPI refund and the interest, however if they continue this sort of behaviour and will force you to escalate your case, you will be as well asking for exemplary charges to set a precedent, which means that you will be charging them as well for your distress, wasted time, wasted energy etc., but not only just as a compensation for yourself, but to set an example of the additional penalty for that sort of behaviour to ensure they will not be easily doing it again!!!
        good luck!
        on to the battlefield! You are going to win!
        the question is whether they will have it more easy way or really hard way with publicity involved etc!


        • #5
          Re: Your Genworth letters please

          Hello darlings lol, my electric been off for some new socket updates lol, well anyway, I am waiting for permission from another member on another site for me to post up her Genworth letter, and if agreed i shall post up on here.......:tinysmile_twink_t2:


          • #6
            Re: Your Genworth letters please

            Hi Victoria, Di,
            hope you are both well. You will see from the Santander posts that I did not have my claim upheld. I now suspect that Santander have been in touch with Genworth and they, Genworth, decided to preempt any further correspondence from me by sending out another rejection.

            I am delighted for Loulou that she has been successful. Every victory is a success!!! I hope that you get yours Victoria....... FINGERS CROSSED.
            i will now apply to FOS. I have spoken to them informally before this latest round of correspondence and they confirmed that with an underwriters dispute, it may take up to 3 years to sort out. It's a bit like those long term savings plans that, we as youngsters, were encouraged to take out!!!!!!!



            • #7
              Re: Your Genworth letters please

              Hi, my dear ladies, Di, L'pool
              Some dishes are the best served cold...
              yes, darling L'pool, go to the FOS and still after Santander, CEO office.
              best of luck and thank you!


              • #8
                Re: Your Genworth letters please

                They can send as many rejections as they like, it does not make it right, therefore the case can be reopened at any time.
                if they decide to team up, it, they may pool each other down and face the downfall together
                it is much better to start behaving...


                • #9
                  Re: Your Genworth letters please

                  Excellent post Victoria, thank you and for everyone else posting, I think this is going to be another interesting thread lol!

                  Reading on the letter another member received from Genworth of the rejecting, they brought Santander in to it and basically agreed with Santanders decision, so basically its like they never even investigated it in the first place!

                  I hope to be able to post her letter up soon my friends xx:tinysmile_twink_t2:


                  • #10
                    Re: Your Genworth letters please

                    Having some issues with attaching at the moment (must get my son to help me again lol, well anyway, I have hand-written a copy of another members decision made by Genworth, that was rejected just recently, quite poor I think but here goes......



                    I write with reference to your recent correspondence to our office.

                    I have completed a review of this which included a copy of the final response letter you received from Santander Cards.

                    I note Santander Cards advised that your policy was not mis sold.
                    Santander Cards inform me that this decision was received because there is unsufficient evidence to support your allegation that your payment protection policy was mis sold.

                    The evidence available to me indicate that you were made aware of the main terms and conditions of the PPI Policy, including any exclusions and limitations that would have applied. You were provided with sufficient information upon which to make an informed choice to take this cover. The PPI policy could have been cancelled within 30 days, or at any time since, if it was decided that the cover was no longer available.

                    Having reviewed your file in full and considering all the information available to me, I must agree with the decision made by Santander Cards arrived at.

                    i know how disappointing it is when the complaint is unsuccessful and I am sorry that my response cannot be more positive, however I trust my explantion clarifies the reasons for our decision.

                    This represents the final stage in our complaints process. If you remain dissatified, you are free to pursue the matter with the Financial Ombudsman Service within 6 months of the date of this letter. The enclosed leaflet provides further information on how to pursue your complaint if appropriate.

                    Yours sincerely

                    Customer Complaints Department.

                    .................................................. .................................................. .....................

                    They are the same as Santander and just doing what they are doing! So basically if Santander reject, no matter if you have the proof or not, it seems that "G" will just follow and do the same.


                    • #11
                      Re: Your Genworth letters please

                      Thank you very much for that, Di!
                      wow! It is identical to santander. Unbelievable.
                      What available evidence they have, to suggest that all the main features were explained and sufficient information given? They were not present there. Nobody (unless insane!) will add unnecessary expenses, unless we led to believe it is necessary. We always try to reduce any cost, not to increase it!
                      this is common sense - when it is suggestd that we should pay for something, we always try to check and negotiate how to reduce the cost, to get a discount etc. or if possible to opt out of additional payments.
                      those sort of letters suggest that our whole population has gone insane! After we are told about the main features of the policy and that it is optional!!! that in a lot of cases it is not suitable for us as we cannot be covered!!! - all that has to be disclosed BEFORE sale is completed, not after, when the policy is sent in the post;
                      so, after we are told that it is not necessary to take it! and that in some cases we won't be covered!, those companies suggest that we decide to take this very expensive unnecessary and often not suitable cover (while most of of us do have much better and cheaper covers!) And this is our "informed decision"?!!!
                      clearly we all gone insane, (in which case our agreements are not valid anyway )))
                      how long this mockery can go on?
                      they really do take us for insane or stupid.
                      We are neither.
                      let's not allow them to treat us like this and get away with it anymore.
                      let's put a stop to it!
                      if the information was sufficient then the informed decision would have been NOT to add any more costs to our very expencive life.
                      Also they must not use as the reason for rejection the fact that PPI could have been cancelled, but was not cancelled, when it is clearly stated that it is against the FCA guidelines.
                      DISP App 3.3.6
                      The firm should not reject a complaint because the complainant failed to exercise the right to cancel the policy.
                      Genworth is a regulated company, under the jurisdiction of the FOS and they had better start quotting the FCA guidelines instead of quotting template nonsense letters of rejection, written in breach of the guidelines by Santander!
                      also they base their decision on the assumption because they were not present, so they assume that everything was done correctly.
                      this is also against the guidelines: they must investigate a particular case instead of basing their decision on the assumption.
                      very poor performance from the regulated company.
                      it seems that the only way is to take them to the FOS for the individual cases and for us to start finding the ways to report them to the FCA, press etc. once it is an institutionalised approach, they have to be reported to the relevant authorities.
                      thank you.


                      • #12
                        Re: Your Genworth letters please

                        L'pool if you get the chance, do you think you could check the above letter I posted, its from Genworth, and wonder if you could please confirm if you received the same response, word to word please?

                        We can try forwarding this back to Genworth on the handling, despite you going forward to the FOS, this will be about the poor handling of the complaint.

                        Excelllent info Victoria, we have the same minds hun lol.
                        We cant let this go on, I am baffled on how suddenly "G" rejecting complaints where they were upholding them previously and many of us have the same background on the reclaiming.

                        As we know they are just going along with "S", its not the right way to go about it and with little evidence provided from SATAN as they also confirmed, how on earth can they come to a decision with little evidence.
                        Hypercritical comes to mind with them!


                        • #13
                          Re: Your Genworth letters please

                          Hi Di,

                          thank you so much for your support, also the support from Victoria. It is fantastic to have so much help.

                          My first rejection letter from Genworth is the same, word for word!!!

                          my second letter says "we have reviewed your complaint and I can confirm that we are satisfied with our response. We would like to apologise that we cannot be of any further assistance to you at this point"

                          My last mail to Santander, yesterday,

                          "Good Afternoon Ms Botin,

                          As it was to you that I addressed my initial correspondence, it is to you that I will address my response, following your team's response to my complaint.

                          (A) your letter, referring to GE Capital........."the business was not fined for any policies sold prior to January 2005".

                          Please do not have the audacity to insult my intelligence; the FSA only commenced regulation of GE Capital in 2005. GE Capital were one of the initial two hundred firms to be visited by the FSA and a record fine to GE followed.

                          (B) your letter refers.."I can confirm the Lifetime Premium Data shows the total amount of premiums ever charged was £28.75"

                          Apart from the fact that this information is incorrect, rather than the Lifetime Premium, it is a monthly premium: May I ask why this comment was put into my letter? Does the fact that I supposedly paid such a small amount with regard to PPI lessen the validity of my claim? Are your customers so unimportant, as to be judged only by the size of their portfolio?

                          I will now refer this onto the Ombudsman, so that they can see the type of rubbish that is sent out to customers and, in this case, on behalf of the CEO of Santander.

                          This will of course be an expensive and time consuming process. Time consuming for me and expensive for Santander but worth it I hope, in an effort to win my case and, expose shoddy business practices."

                          I took inspiration from Loulou for that last mail!

                          i appreciate all your help.



                          • #14
                            Re: Your Genworth letters please

                            Thank you L'pool, this is interesting!

                            And I bet there are many more of the same!

                            Your very welcome and we are here for you x


                            • #15
                              Re: Your Genworth letters please

                              Well done, L'pool!
                              Very good email!
                              the FOS will sort it out.
                              if they, GE, behaved like that even After!!! the regulations were enforced in 2005, it clearly demonstrates that they DID NOT disclose the relevant information at the point of sale before 2005. The only evidence the companies, rejecting your complaint have, is that they "assume" that everything was done correctl!!!!. It is their assumption against your word. Why? Because they believe in the integrity and honesty of the company, known for the worst missale in the history, even after they became regulated! They, Genworth and Santander, believe that the representative disclosed all the relevant information before sale was completed. We are talking about company with such a notorious reputation for non compliance with law and regulation and abiding the rules, that even After 2005 they failed miserably! That of course proves that everything was perfect before! After the regulation they suddenly decided to change their perfect behaviour and to start breaking the rules!
                              (They sound like rebellious teenagers)
                              it is beyond contempt, that the word of such a company with such a reputation is taken against the word of the customer!
                              i think you also should inform your MP about it.
                              when Parliament is involved, it cannot hurt
                              i also suggest, may be to write to:
                              Daily Mail,
                              Daily Telegraph,
                              BBC Watch Dog,
                              Which Magazine (Money department),
                              it is worth to join Which to be able to talk to them as many times as you wish.
                              Though it is not free, there is a yearly fee, but, I find that, unlike useless PPI, it worth every penny.
                              they are very good and may even take your case as an example for their Magazine.
                              Another thought - Santander non executive directors. Fiduciary Duty is their direct responsibility.
                              they should be made aware what is happening with that company and that it is heading downhill towards another big scandal, which may cause them a lot of embarrassment.
                              You wrote a fantastic email, I am proud of you!
                              Di, thank you so much for your great ideas!
                              lots of love!


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