Re: Please post your own experience of reclaiming PPI from Santander
done the insurer route and have mentioned the FLA (?) to refer the complaint to. Are these the same as the FOS? I feel that the fight is gone out of me on this one at the moment. As regards the CEO, I sent the letter that Victoria drafted mentioning workign for parents and being on maternity leave at the time, I don't feel that there is ant futher information to give them. cheers xx
done the insurer route and have mentioned the FLA (?) to refer the complaint to. Are these the same as the FOS? I feel that the fight is gone out of me on this one at the moment. As regards the CEO, I sent the letter that Victoria drafted mentioning workign for parents and being on maternity leave at the time, I don't feel that there is ant futher information to give them. cheers xx