Hi All,
Looking for a little advice as to where to go next with my claim. I received a form from MBNA (i was in the process of contacting them and had drafted a letter as I thought I had PPI on the account). They sent me a form saying PPI had been an issue with some clients of theirs and if I thought I had a claim I could fill out the paperwork. I thought this was handy and saved me actually having to write them a letter off my own back.
I filled out the form and sent it off. I did have PPI on the account (which has now been cancelled. They already had cancelled it themselves as soon as I started the claim as I called to say I wanted it cancelled and was informed it had already been done).
I am not happy with the way they have dealt with my claim. I received a letter saying i took the credit card out on 20th October 2006, I had PPI on the account since it started and at the time of sale I said I was eligible for the policy. I stated in the questionnaire I filled out for them them PPI was not relevant for me as if I had lost my job my parents would have cleared the card for me and PPi would not have been needed. I was not prepared to give them details of my parents savings over the phone and they have responded saying as I didn't do this they are not persuaded this would have been the case and they basically don't believe me.
Also I was told that in the documentation I was sent I was informed I could cancel the policy with 30 and I could have cancelled the policy at any time.
I asked for copies of the paper work I filled out when I signed up for the card (it was apparently all done on line) and and all they have sent me just a tick box form that I have been told I ticked but nothing with my actual signature on or anything. There is no way of me checking back and seeing if this form was actually part of the application I did.
They have referred me onto the financial ombudsman now but I am not happy in the way they have fobbed me off and wanted to maybe have another go at them to let them know I wasn't going to go away that easily. I have had about 4k on the card for the duration of it and only ever paid minimum payments which makes me believe that if I am successful I will have quite a nice amount to claim back. Also the fact that they cancelled the PPI without my requesting makes me think that if they thought it was within my best interests to have it on the account they would have kept it there and waited for me to actually call and request I wanted to cancel it, not do it automatically.
I am just looking for some advice as how to proceed now really, I don't know whether it would be benificial to SAR them to see if they hold any further paperwork or if there is maybe a letter I could send back to make them reconsider the claim?
Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated! I have copies of everything they have sent me including the form I filled out when I first started my claim if this would help at all.
Thanks in advance,
Looking for a little advice as to where to go next with my claim. I received a form from MBNA (i was in the process of contacting them and had drafted a letter as I thought I had PPI on the account). They sent me a form saying PPI had been an issue with some clients of theirs and if I thought I had a claim I could fill out the paperwork. I thought this was handy and saved me actually having to write them a letter off my own back.
I filled out the form and sent it off. I did have PPI on the account (which has now been cancelled. They already had cancelled it themselves as soon as I started the claim as I called to say I wanted it cancelled and was informed it had already been done).
I am not happy with the way they have dealt with my claim. I received a letter saying i took the credit card out on 20th October 2006, I had PPI on the account since it started and at the time of sale I said I was eligible for the policy. I stated in the questionnaire I filled out for them them PPI was not relevant for me as if I had lost my job my parents would have cleared the card for me and PPi would not have been needed. I was not prepared to give them details of my parents savings over the phone and they have responded saying as I didn't do this they are not persuaded this would have been the case and they basically don't believe me.
Also I was told that in the documentation I was sent I was informed I could cancel the policy with 30 and I could have cancelled the policy at any time.
I asked for copies of the paper work I filled out when I signed up for the card (it was apparently all done on line) and and all they have sent me just a tick box form that I have been told I ticked but nothing with my actual signature on or anything. There is no way of me checking back and seeing if this form was actually part of the application I did.
They have referred me onto the financial ombudsman now but I am not happy in the way they have fobbed me off and wanted to maybe have another go at them to let them know I wasn't going to go away that easily. I have had about 4k on the card for the duration of it and only ever paid minimum payments which makes me believe that if I am successful I will have quite a nice amount to claim back. Also the fact that they cancelled the PPI without my requesting makes me think that if they thought it was within my best interests to have it on the account they would have kept it there and waited for me to actually call and request I wanted to cancel it, not do it automatically.
I am just looking for some advice as how to proceed now really, I don't know whether it would be benificial to SAR them to see if they hold any further paperwork or if there is maybe a letter I could send back to make them reconsider the claim?
Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated! I have copies of everything they have sent me including the form I filled out when I first started my claim if this would help at all.
Thanks in advance,