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Lloyds PPI and redundancy

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  • Lloyds PPI and redundancy

    Had Lloyds Credit Card with PPI, was told that it was a good idea to have the PPI because it would cover me if I were sick or made redundant.

    Quite a few years later was made redundant made a claim on the PPI which started to pay for my credit card.

    A year later payments were stopped I queried this and was told that was what I was covered for.

    I am chronically ill with no chance of ever going back to work the debt has been passed to a collection compamy who I am struggling to repay.

    Do I have a case for mis selling
    Many thanks
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  • #2
    Re: Lloyds PPI and redundancy

    Hi and welcome.

    So I take it the maximum amount of time (12 months) were made in a row, and after that it ended?

    I assume they did not make it clear that it only protected you for example a full 12 months at a time.
    Normally with these policies via Lloyds, you can make a claim for a straight 12 months without a break which is the maximum, then say if you returned to employment and after I think 3 solid months worked and laid off again another claim could then be made.

    So sorry to hear of your illness and I do hope you improve, and I note that your not able to return back to employment because of this.

    I say in my view that you were not aware that after a full claim have been made that you were unaware of it ending after that, and take it this was not explained to you.
    Did they provide you with the paperwork of the policy when you taken it out?
    Just wondering, because if they did not, you could confirm this was not received (if this does apply to you) and you assumed that it would protect you for the whole of the time whilst unemployed.
    You can tell them you do not understand how it worked, and because your unable to make the repayments now that your unable to return to work because of chronic illness, it's been unfortunate that your account have now been passed on to a collections agency.

    I understand that when they pass on your account to a collections agency, your not able to make a claim for further unemployment/sickness etc anyway, so it would be worthless to you.
    So any PPI they have carried with the balance of the credit card is only added to the debt, so maybe if this did happen, you could try making a reclaim on the PPI that your not going to be any longer using anyway, due to your position.

    For this you still have to pursue Lloyds for the complaint, despite it being passed on to collections, and if you do make a reclaim, it's possible they will use any PPI towards the balance of the debt, anything remaining, plus any interest should be awarded directly to you.

    Maybe Bill will have an opinion on this one as well, but if you want to give it a go, complete the reclaim questionnaire, (the questionnaire is also on Lloyds website, with details of where to send it), always keep copies of everything you send in case you need to refer back to it again at some point.
    Also to point out, that any successful claims made, the amount they will pay out will be at a reduced amount (due to a claim already made).

    Hope this makes some sense.


    Give it a go, and let us know how you get on, cheers and the best of luck.


    • #3
      Re: Lloyds PPI and redundancy

      Hi Lawrie, and welcome to you. I thoroughly agree with everything that Di has said. I've learned not to disagree with ANY woman who has been there and got the T-shirt !!!

      Seriously - it looks like you were mis-sold the PPI because the limitations and implications were not properly explained to you.

      Have a read of these 'stickied' posts in the PPI section:-




      • #4
        Re: Lloyds PPI and redundancy

        Thanks for responses will get a claim sent off


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