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Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

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  • Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

    Morning all (esp. you, Di, as you might have come across something similar to this in dealing with Lloyds).

    A few months ago I submitted a SAR to Lloyds TSB on behalf of my brother. They kindly supplied a list of accounts and loans. One of the loans was a Fixed Rate Personal Loan with Insurance. I completed the PPI questionnaire for my brother, he signed it and we sent it off about two weeks ago. Last week, he received a reply from Lloyds saying that they had completed their investigations, looked through their records, etc. and that there was no PPI on the loan.

    Unless I'm mistaken (or I'm misinterpreting that name of the loan) it clearly states that it was a loan with insurance. Any advice on how best to proceed with this? Is it a phone call to Lloyds in which I wave the SAR in their face or a letter? Or would the best course of action be to contact the Ombudsman?

    Cheers all
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  • #2
    Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

    Hi i had all this with Lloyds they told me i had 3 loans and 2 credit cards with no ppi on i have since reclaimed ppi on the 3 loans, keep at em this is there standard response.


    • #3
      Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists


      I would write back and enclose any evidence you have in copies that proof there was PPI, ask that they contact in writing by 14 days to confirm they will be taking on the complaint.
      If you hear nothing by then, complain to the FOS with any copies of paperwork of the loan account, they will take over from here.

      They appear to be telling customers there is no PPI, because of lack of information to prove this, and my brother in law was in the same position, until luckily some information was found.

      On the paperwork you have come across, how is it worded? For example if a loan agreement, it would show the amount of the loan, then below that the amount of PPI, and the full monthly payment of the loan and PPI added together.

      What you could do is email the information for a quicker response, and copy it to the CEO the same time.




      I would email all the details to all of the above, hopefully they will get back by the end of the day today, if not chase it up tomorrow, or if you prefer send by hardcopy as stated above.

      Hope this helps.


      • #4
        Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

        @Cappo; @Di30

        Thanks for the prompt replies. Stupidly we called them this morning to point out their error but ended up being put through to the call centre in Manilla (at which point I lost any hope of them understanding that I already the documents).

        Anyhow... have sent emails to the addresses listed above pointing out the 'error of their ways' and suggesting that they contact the DSAR Team who will be able to give them the information they require. I also took the opportunity to point out that if the information was available to the PPI Consumer Team but not the DSAR Team then they failed to comply with the SAR. It really does beggar belief that one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. I'll keep you updated...!


        • #5
          Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

          Good luck then, all should be ok.

          I get so annoyed with the fact that they do not check properly and try fobbing customers off that there was no PPI, it just goes to show how incompetant they can be.

          Look forward to hearing more of this soon, and any problem in regards of the data, you can of course make them aware as well that you will complain to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

          If you google the above in, you can find more details of the ICO and what they can do, if a bank/business fails to comply to a data request.


          • #6
            Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

            Hi guys a relevant post today had a final clearout of the loft and found the proof at last that i have ppi on the two credit cards, found about 20 assorted statements for both the visa and mastercard all showed ppi, lets see LTSB try and get out of this one now.


            • #7
              Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

              Well done Cappo, lol that will put them in their place, ask for further compo for the inconvenience and distress this have caused as well, because this could have been dealt with them by now. x:tinysmile_kiss_t4:


              • #8
                Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

                Hi guys ,have now sent LTSB an email informing them that i have found trustcard and mastercard statements with ppi on them despite them saying that they had no records but they could see that i had no ppi (that one confused me too) told them i'd let the fos sort it out now, will be interesting to see what if anything they come back with lol:tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_ah a_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_a ha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_ aha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile _aha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmile_aha_t::tinysmil e_aha_t:


                • #9
                  Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists


                  Hope your well.

                  surely now that you have confirmed you found the statements, they should look into this for you? I take it you have already mentioned and asked if they would or not Steve? xx


                  • #10
                    Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

                    Steve, just had your message as well hon and sent one back with some advice. x (email) thanks. x


                    • #11
                      Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

                      Apologies for the delay but I have an update for you:

                      I emailed Lloyds (as per Di's suggestions) and received a prompt reply expressing their gratitude for taking the time to contact Antonio Horta-Osorio. I was told to expect something within 10 days. Then, the following day, I received a more detailed response which raises more questions than it answers. The essential paragraph of the email reads as follows:

                      I understand that you are concerned that we have previously sent you replies advising that we were unable to see any Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) charges on the products covered by the references quoted above. In line with our current data retention requirements, we are only required to keep customers' information for a maximum of 7 years. When a complaint is received, our process is to check all our available systems and records and in your particular case there was no PPI shown as being charged on these accounts. However, from the evidence you have now supplied it appears there may have been charges on certain accounts for periods outside of the 7 years that we are normally required to search.

                      So Lloyds have admitted (to all extents and purposes) that they didn't do their job correctly. There are some flaws with their arguments:

                      , my brother's PPI questionnaires stated quite clearly the start and end dates for two of the accounts (as they'd been provided to me by the SAR). Therefore, Lloyds TSB should have known to look outside of the 7 year period that they refer to in their email.

                      , my brother did not supply them with any evidence - we merely took the time to point out that they were wrong because they'd sent the evidence themselves.

                      , where has this 7 year retention period come from? The last time I checked the Data Protection Act required documents and information be held for 6 years (or at least that's what they all keep telling us... ;-) ;-) ) Of course the real problem with the 7 year retention period is that my parents - who have banked with Lloyds TSB since the black horse was a foal - can access their accounts online and see a list of transactions dating back to July 2002. Now I'm no banker (!) but the last time I checked July 2002 is... 10 years!!!

                      Fourth, my parents contacted Lloyds TSB the other day to obtain some information on payments from their accounts in 2002 and some loans in the 1990s. They were told that the information available over the phone was limited but if they popped into their local branch and said that they had been referred by the Loans Customer Referral Service (or something like that) the branch would be able to provide all of the information necessary.

                      I think we can say that Lloyds TSB have been well and truly caught out on this occasion. I'll let you know how things pan out...!


                      • #12
                        Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

                        Good for you, and too right with what you said not doing their job properly, and what they said about outside the 7 years baffled me. Last year I emailed them with some personal details and they emailed back within a short time with loan numbers as from the mid 90's, also to confirm PPI etc.

                        Think you have them good and proper now, well done, and thank you for updating us.


                        • #13
                          Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists

                          Well this is a turn up for the books. Following the emails sent back and forth regarding the PPI complaint they've started to get in touch and deal with the problem. Yesterday my brother received a letter explaining that they had little information on the first credit card so offered a token payment of £360.00 RESULT! Actually, if they bothered to look hard enough and contact the DSAR team I'm sure that they would be more than happy to send over the exact same information that they sent us. Let's not be too picky, though.

                          This morning, a letter arrived with a cheque inside. We fully expected that it was the cheque for the credit card but oh no, it's the cheque for the loan with a grand total of.... £2007.16 Marvellous!!! The strange thing is they say that they've written to my brother (dated 6th June) in respect of this offer but nothing was received.

                          All told, a positive 24 hours. Just need to wait on the cheque for the first credit card and response to the second credit card. Who knows what that will hold??!!!?


                          • #14
                            Re: Lloyds TSB deny PPI exists


                            Absolutely great work, it just goes to show that in you don't give it, you will win in end!

                            Congrats all round!
                            Last edited by di30; 16th June 2012, 14:19:PM.


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