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Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

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  • Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

    > PPI Complaints
    Payment Protection Insurance Complaints

    We’re sorry you have a complaint about Payment Protection Insurance (PPI), but we’re committed to making the journey as easy as possible.
    It’s easy for you to complain to us directly so you don’t need to use a Claims Management Company (CMC) who will typically charge an up front fee or take a proportion of any compensation you may be due. We assess complaints sent directly to us in exactly the same way that we treat complaints from a Claims Management Company, so by coming direct you will not be disadvantaged.
    Here's what you need to do:
    1. Call or write to us
      At LloydsTSB we are committed to making it as easy as possible to resolve your complaint. We’d like to discuss the details of your case with you directly so your concerns can be resolved as quickly as possible. You can call us on 08453 005599, our dedicated number for PPI complaints or write to us at Lloyds TSB, Tredegar Park, Newport, NP10 8SB.
    2. Download and complete a PPI Consumer Questionnaire Form
      If you decide you want to proceed with your complaint, download the
      PPI Consumer Questionnaire and fill in the details of your case. Filling in a PPI Consumer Questionnaire from the Financial Ombudsman Service helps us process your complaint as efficiently as possible.
    3. Send it in
      Send the PPI Questionnaire to us at Lloyds TSB, Tredegar Park, Newport, NP10 8SB.We are committed to resolving complaints. We have employed additional new members of staff to help customers with their queries about PPI policies.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I make a complaint about the way that my PPI was sold?
    If you have a query about the way that your PPI was sold you can ring a dedicated telephone line for PPI customers.
    08453 005599
    If you prefer to write the address for correspondence is:
    Lloyds TSB
    Tredegar Park
    NP10 8SB

    If you are dissatisfied with our response and you wish to make a complaint please click the link below which will take you to the Financial Ombudsman Service website. This includes details of how to make a complaint and provides a questionnaire for you to complete. By filling out the FOS PPI Questionnaire we will have all of the information we need to assess your complaint. Once you have completed the form please send it directly to us at the address above.
    We encourage our customers to talk to us about PPI
    • We are best placed to deal with any queries our customers have about their PPI policy
    • Rather than talk to a CMC, you can find all of the information you need about raising a complaint about PPI on this page. You will receive exactly the same service by coming to us direct as you would from going through a CMC
    • The easiest way to raise a query about a PPI policy is to complete a
      PPI Consumer Questionnaire. Once you have completed the form please send it directly to us at the address above.
    What does the Judicial Review mean for my PPI Complaint?
    As we announced on 5th May, we are no longer supporting the British Bankers’ Association’s Judicial Review. If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.
    Why are you no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
    We have announced that we are making a provision to cover the costs of addressing Customers’ PPI Sales related complaints. We recognised that customers were facing long delays in respect of their PPI sales-related complaints during the BBA’s judicial review. We wanted to do the right thing by our customers and have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.
    What does today’s announcement mean for my PPI complaint?
    If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. As we have announced, we have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.
    I received an ex-gratia letter. Is this affected by the announcement that you are no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
    The announcement does not affect your ex-gratia letter. You remain free to accept or decline this offer as outlined in the letter.
    I have a complaint that has been referred to the FOS. Will this be affected by the fact that you are no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
    We will work with the FOS and provide them with all of the relevant case notes to allow them to complete their investigation. We will also liaise directly with the FOS to deal with complaints as quickly as we can.
    I want to make a complaint about the way that my PPI was sold – can I still do so?
    Yes. We will take the details of your complaint and this will be progressed by our customer service team. Those customers who have not complained but have concerns about their PPI policy should also contact us directly. Details of how to contact us are provided above.
    We encourage our customers to talk to us about PPI
    • We are best placed to deal with any queries our customers have about their PPI policy for all of our brands
    • Customers should call us or log onto our websites or call us for further information
    • Rather than talk to a Claims Management Company (CMC), customers can find all of the information they need about raising a complaint about PPI on our websites. Your complaint will be handled in exactly the same way if you come to us directly, but you will avoid having to share any potential compensation payments with a CMC
    • The FOS has also created a PPI Questionnaire which helps customers find out whether they have a claim to make. This can be accessed by searching online ‘PPI FOS'.
    What will happen after I have made a complaint?
    Once we have received your complaint we will assess it as soon as possible. We strive to assess all complaints within 8 weeks. However, if we have not managed to resolve your complaint within that time we will send you a further letter updating you as to your options.
    If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We have employed additional staff to manage customers’ queries about their PPI policies.
    I have received a letter telling me about BBA/FSA/FOS. I don’t understand it.
    We had sent some of our customers a letter explaining how the Judicial Review has impacted the way we handle PPI sales-related complaints and how we would only be able to assess their complaint once the legal proceedings were concluded.
    We have today announced that the Group will no longer be supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review.
    We want to do the right thing by our customers and have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full. We will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible.
    You have made an offer to refund my PPI policy premium. Will that offer change now?
    No. We will stand by any offer to settle a complaint that has already been made to you or a third party CMC acting on your behalf.
    I have already made a complaint but I haven’t received a final decision. What will happen now?
    We have today announced that the Group will no longer be supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review.
    If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We are processing complaints as quickly as we can and there may be a short delay in responding. If you have any questions about your complaint you can contact us using the contact details above.
    What will happen to unresolved complaints?
    We wish to handle and resolve all complaints quickly and to the satisfaction of our customers. We will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible.
    Will I be compensated for any delays?
    We take all complaints very seriously and are committed to handling them on a fair and consistent basis. In line with our complaint handling policy we will assess your PPI complaint and will provide compensation, including the backdating of interest and payments, where appropriate.
    Can I still buy PPI from you?
    No. In July 2010 we announced that we would no longer sell our range of PPI to personal and business customers.
    Is my PPI cover affected by the outcome of the Judicial Review?
    No. Your PPI cover will not be affected by the outcome. The review is related to the handling of PPI sales related complaints, not the cover provided by PPI.
    I have cancelled my PPI Policy. Can I still make a complaint?
    Yes. You can still make a complaint about how your PPI Policy was sold even if you have since cancelled the policy. Details of how to complain are provided above. It’s easy for you to complain to us directly so you don’t need to use a Claims Management Company (CMC). Your complaint will be handled in exactly the same way if you come to us directly but you will avoid having to share any compensation payment with a CMC.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

    FSA - PPI redress from page 104




    • #3
      Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

      This is with regards to the payment of redress:

      "As a guide we aim to complete your redress within 21 working days. If you do not receive your payment within this time period then please let us know and we can update you further. Due to the high volume of work it is not possible to guarantee any refund timescale as each case is treated on an individual basis. Please be assured we are arranging additional resource as quickly as possible in order to improve the service our customer’s receive. "
      "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
      (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


      • #4
        Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

        Just thought it was worth adding that I was yesterday told by a Lloyds advisor that this is presently taking 5-7 weeks.


        • #5
          Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

          Hi .... friend this is good question and from my point of view If you've got or had a loan in the last six years, you may be able to reclaim £1000s. The misselling of expensive Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) alongside ...

          Miss Sold PPI is designed to protect consumers in the event that they are unable to work due to illness, injury or redundancy ensuring that their loan repayments are kept up to date.call missoldppiclaims.net to help with your Payment Protection Insurance claims, specialize in PPI that are highly-rated and contact to Mis Sold PPI Claims | The No.1 Mis Sold PPI Claims Consultant or missoldppiclaims(dot)net


          • #6
            Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

            Originally posted by jameshope View Post
            Hi .... friend this is good question and from my point of view If you've got or had a loan in the last six years, you may be able to reclaim £1000s. The misselling of expensive Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) alongside ...

            Miss Sold PPI is designed to protect consumers in the event that they are unable to work due to illness, injury or redundancy ensuring that their loan repayments are kept up to date.call missoldppiclaims.net to help with your Payment Protection Insurance claims, specialize in PPI that are highly-rated and contact to Mis Sold PPI Claims | The No.1 Mis Sold PPI Claims Consultant or missoldppiclaims(dot)net
            Where's you're MOJ registration number for the above link?

            Are you even authorised?
            "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
            (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


            • #7
              Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

              Originally posted by leclerc View Post
              This is with regards to the payment of redress:

              "As a guide we aim to complete your redress within 21 working days. If you do not receive your payment within this time period then please let us know and we can update you further. Due to the high volume of work it is not possible to guarantee any refund timescale as each case is treated on an individual basis. Please be assured we are arranging additional resource as quickly as possible in order to improve the service our customer’s receive. "


              • #8
                Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                Originally posted by burkey View Post

                Email the above and ask when they are going to settle the claim. Did you receive a letter with an amount on or simply one stating that the claim was successful and to sign and send back a return slip?
                "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                • #9
                  Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                  my mum has just been told her application for credit card ppi has been declined
                  whats the next step and whats the best way to appeal can anyone help me thanks x


                  • #10
                    Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                    Hi and welcome to you Chermcc. Have a read through the PPI section (click the PPI tab at the top of the page), and start a new thread in there - that should get you a bit more attention.

                    I take it you mean that your mum's claim for a mis-sold PPI refund has not been upheld. What you do next depends on a number of factors.

                    Is this a refusal from the lender - or from the FOS ?

                    What reasons were given for the refusal ?

                    What reasons would you have for appealing ?

                    Hopefully, we can take it from there.


                    • #11
                      Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                      i have just had all 3 from lloyds not upheld due to them saying they think I was treated fairly . One of them was due to me being told that at the time if I took out the insurance I would receive a better interest rate. The other two I had no idea u had the insurance. Being a nurse for over 12 years I would never need this anyway. I guess the next step is the FO???


                      • #12
                        Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                        I would write back and tell them you do not agree with the decision they made to reject your complaints, ask them to review and send further information.
                        Sometimes they overlook and even on a final decision they will sometimes review.

                        If they said its the final decision and enclosed leaflet details of the FOS, then yes you can make the complaint to the FOS, but as said above, sometimes they will overturn a final decision if you can forward any other information, tell them you do not agree and feel they have overlooked your complaint, as you believe you have genuine reasons to make a reclaiming complaint. Ask that they let you know by 14 days, if you hear nothing or if they do not change the decision in your favour, move on to the FOS.

                        Good luck.


                        • #13
                          Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                          Hi, yes they included the leaflet so I shall write off to the FOS. Thanks for your help


                          • #14
                            Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                            When I rang to claim they said it would take 8weeks and it took 8weeks. Check your bank statements regularly as I got told they put the money back into a nominated bank account.


                            • #15
                              Re: Lloyds Bank Ppi Complaints Procedure

                              Originally posted by MarcusBright
                              from my opinion they seldom overturn decisions, this is all a delaying tactic to get them to pay in their own time, think of it this way, if you take it to FOS you will get more interest because there will be 1 year added on, and FOS will likely uphold your complaint.

                              Marcus, how much does the firm you have chosen to advertise(and I have removed from the quote) charge for PPI? How easy is it for the consumer to fill in a form and do it themselves?

                              For others reading this, it is very very easy.
                              "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                              (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


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