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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

    by Debt Star:
    Indeed, I can vouch for that. Also, what about the data on the CRAs? All those defaults and late payment markers for sums that are proved to be for the wrong amounts due to mis-sold PPI?
    Yes Debt Star,
    many consumers have been treated most unfairly by the OC's, the debt buyers and the CRA's!

    I myself, have been pursued relentlessly by a DCA for monies that I neither acknowledge nor owe. Incorrect data has been processed on my CRA credit files in relation to an alleged debt that is entirely made up of useless PPI premiums and interest that has accrued on same.

    Just preparing my papers in order to enter the battle field, again...


    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

      Originally posted by mosten View Post
      Not many doormats being overloaded with letter yet it seems..

      All gone quiet on here for last couple of days..

      Next week or two hopefully will show some significant movements on these claims...

      Its been a long battle but signs are, might have been worth the struggle

      My thoughts exactly.

      The banks missold the insurance.
      The banks went to court over the missold insurance.
      The banks used an unsanctioned hold during the Judicial Review.
      The banks lost the Judicial Review.
      The banks are still not playing ball after they've lost the Judicial Review.


      We the customers have done absolutely nothing wrong and yet the banks, time and time again continue to walk all over us and treat us with complete and utter contempt and there really doesn't seem to be one thing we can do to ever change that......


      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

        Indeed, I can vouch for that. Also, what about the data on the CRAs? All those defaults and late payment markers for sums that are proved to be for the wrong amounts due to mis-sold PPI?

        This is something I am working on myself now that my PPI Claim has been paid out and as the claim totalled more than what I owed them no markers should of been registered with the CRA's

        As I say work in progress.
        If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

          Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
          That's been my story with Egg. Except in my case the loan with the PPI was consolidated into a second loan with no PPI, but Egg had capitalised the PPI element in the first loan! So I've been paying for something I've derived no benefit from. FOS have told Egg to cough up but they are still refusing to pay out everything. FOS are like a wet paper bag - useless.
          ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------

          Indeed, I can vouch for that. Also, what about the data on the CRAs? All those defaults and late payment markers for sums that are proved to be for the wrong amounts due to mis-sold PPI?
          Exactly, those amounts include PPI payments, which if refunded means that the amounts being demanded by DCAs are also incorrect. Is this an example of demanding money that they are not entitled to? Should there be a redress for such demands?



          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

            Originally posted by debtisbad View Post
            Exactly, those amounts include PPI payments, which if refunded means that the amounts being demanded by DCAs are also incorrect. Is this an example of demanding money that they are not entitled to? Should there be a redress for such demands?
            Data that is processed in the above situation, is incorrect.

            And, not a true reflection of consumers creditworthiness!


            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

              Thank you for that, Angry Cat. But I have still got an adverse credit rating from CapQuest, despite the fact that there was an original dispute with the OC and CapQuest had zilch lawful reason to get involved. I wrote to the CapQuest's local MP, the ICO, etc, but nobody wants to do anything.



              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                Originally posted by debtisbad View Post
                Thank you for that, Angry Cat. But I have still got an adverse credit rating from CapQuest, despite the fact that there was an original dispute with the OC and CapQuest had zilch lawful reason to get involved. I wrote to the CapQuest's local MP, the ICO, etc, but nobody wants to do anything.
                Time to get proactive and use this:

                I have spent the whole afternoon working out my PPI reclaim, which amounts to 2K more than the alleged debt that I have/am being pursued for.

                Work in progress, as PF says. But matters must be brought back to the status quo and that includes incorrect data being removed or in some cases, corrected.


                • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                  OK guys and beautiful girls.....

                  Here's an update with regards to my PPI complaints with MBNA and Barclays/FirstPlus. They have both had the complaints since September 2010 so been subject to the unsanctioned hold etc etc.

                  Neither the customer services at MBNA or Barclays/FirstPlus could provide me with any relevant information or timescales. Absolutely nothing. No matter how often I called or e-mailed and asked.

                  So doing what a lot of tweeps on here started doing, I began contacting the Office of the Chief Executive via e-mail.

                  MBNA first of all. Sent first polite but firm e-mail to CEO and didn't receive any reply. Sent another more forceful but still polite e-mail a few days later. Received a reply almost instantly from a senior figure at the bank who asked me if I could give him 24 hours to look into the complaints which of course I duly did. Received a reply 36 hours later, asking for a contact number so he could call me. I've since had several conversations with him and exchanged numerous e-mails. He has given me more information about the complaints in a matter of days than MBNA customer services have supplied me with in 8 months. Things seem to be finally progressing. Granted still very slowly but at least it seems the ball is starting to roll. As the complaint involves 5 different loan accounts over a period of 10 years, he has informed me it is quite a difficult case and it will take time. However he has informed me that he hopes to have informative and more detailed information about at least two of the accounts at the end of this week at the very latest. He also hopes to provide a time limit on the other 3 accounts very soon. Hopefully he keeps to his word because unfortunately for him I have a direct phone number and e-mail address for him. And he is now the ONLY way I will be contacting MBNA about the complaints. I have to say he was very pleasant and helpful on both the phone and in his e-mails.

                  Barclays took a little more effort before getting anywhere. It took 5 e-mails to the Office of the Chief Executive before I even got an acknowledgement. Was beginning to e-mail them daily at one point. With each e-mail being more forceful than the last but always polite and straight to the point. So again I have been in direct contact with a senior manager within Barclays with which I have just had a telephone call with. He informed me that the initial complaint was investigated in October/November 2010 and the outcome of this was 'they could not determine the outcome'. However because of the outcome of Judicial Review, he told me that this outcome could change. He told me they are now assessing the complaint by the standards determined by the Judicial Review. He told me that I will receive the 'final outcome' no later than the end of August. Again I hope he's right as I now have a direct phone number and e-mail address for him also. And just to add this senior figure just like the one at MBNA was also very pleasant and helpful on both the phone and in his e-mails.

                  I just don't understand why the call centre staff at the banks can't supply the customer with the above information. Why do we have to go through the CEO to find out this rather simple information?

                  So guys and beautiful gals, if you want to find out information about your pending complaints, you are going to have to bypass the whole customer services set up at the banks as they quite simply don't or won't have the information you are most probably looking and wanting.

                  So be prepared for the fight and be prepared to send a lot of e-mails which won't even get an acknowledgement but keep sending them. They will take notice of you sooner or later. Promise.

                  Good luck.

                  Thanks for reading.
                  Last edited by SoapyBubbles; 8th June 2011, 17:58:PM.


                  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                    Ok guys and beautiful girls.....
                    Come on lets be fair what about beautiful boys
                    If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                      Why did banks argue against the consumers?


                      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                        Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
                        That's been my story with Egg. Except in my case the loan with the PPI was consolidated into a second loan with no PPI, but Egg had capitalised the PPI element in the first loan! So I've been paying for something I've derived no benefit from. FOS have told Egg to cough up but they are still refusing to pay out everything. FOS are like a wet paper bag - useless.
                        ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------

                        Indeed, I can vouch for that. Also, what about the data on the CRAs? All those defaults and late payment markers for sums that are proved to be for the wrong amounts due to mis-sold PPI?

                        Excellent point re the defaults & late payment charges - I will have some of that.
                        Cheers DS !


                        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                          Originally posted by SoapyBubbles View Post
                          OK guys and beautiful girls.....

                          Here's an update with regards to my PPI complaints with MBNA and Barclays/FirstPlus. They have both had the complaints since September 2010 so been subject to the unsanctioned hold etc etc.

                          Neither the customer services at MBNA or Barclays/FirstPlus could provide me with any relevant information or timescales. Absolutely nothing. No matter how often I called or e-mailed and asked.

                          So doing what a lot of tweeps on here started doing, I began contacting the Office of the Chief Executive via e-mail.

                          MBNA first of all. Sent first polite but firm e-mail to CEO and didn't receive any reply. Sent another more forceful but still polite e-mail a few days later. Received a reply almost instantly from a senior figure at the bank who asked me if I could give him 24 hours to look into the complaints which of course I duly did. Received a reply 36 hours later, asking for a contact number so he could call me. I've since had several conversations with him and exchanged numerous e-mails. He has given me more information about the complaints in a matter of days than MBNA customer services have supplied me with in 8 months. Things seem to be finally progressing. Granted still very slowly but at least it seems the ball is starting to roll. As the complaint involves 5 different loan accounts over a period of 10 years, he has informed me it is quite a difficult case and it will take time. However he has informed me that he hopes to have informative and more detailed information about at least two of the accounts at the end of this week at the very latest. He also hopes to provide a time limit on the other 3 accounts very soon. Hopefully he keeps to his word because unfortunately for him I have a direct phone number and e-mail address for him. And he is now the ONLY way I will be contacting MBNA about the complaints. I have to say he was very pleasant and helpful on both the phone and in his e-mails.

                          Barclays took a little more effort before getting anywhere. It took 5 e-mails to the Office of the Chief Executive before I even got an acknowledgement. Was beginning to e-mail them daily at one point. With each e-mail being more forceful than the last but always polite and straight to the point. So again I have been in direct contact with a senior manager within Barclays with which I have just had a telephone call with. He informed me that the initial complaint was investigated in October/November 2010 and the outcome of this was 'they could not determine the outcome'. However because of the outcome of Judicial Review, he told me that this outcome could change. He told me they are now assessing the complaint by the standards determined by the Judicial Review. He told me that I will receive the 'final outcome' no later than the end of August. Again I hope he's right as I now have a direct phone number and e-mail address for him also. And just to add this senior figure just like the one at MBNA was also very pleasant and helpful on both the phone and in his e-mails.

                          I just don't understand why the call centre staff at the banks can't supply the customer with the above information. Why do we have to go through the CEO to find out this rather simple information?

                          So guys and beautiful gals, if you want to find out information about your pending complaints, you are going to have to bypass the whole customer services set up at the banks as they quite simply don't or won't have the information you are most probably looking and wanting.

                          So be prepared for the fight and be prepared to send a lot of e-mails which won't even get an acknowledgement but keep sending them. They will take notice of you sooner or later. Promise.

                          Good luck.

                          Thanks for reading.
                          Hi Soapy I have taken the self and same tack and like you have had some response at least and the ball seems to have started to roll.

                          In answer to your final question about the banks arguing against their cutomers _ coz they can.They will do anything to avoid dealing with the matter or give you back the money that they stole from you.



                          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                            In answer to your final question about the banks arguing against their cutomers _ coz they can.They will do anything to avoid dealing with the matter.

                            As more and more citizens come to realise that, that will be there downfall
                            If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                              Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
                              Time to get proactive and use this:

                              I have spent the whole afternoon working out my PPI reclaim, which amounts to 2K more than the alleged debt that I have/am being pursued for.

                              Work in progress, as PF says. But matters must be brought back to the status quo and that includes incorrect data being removed or in some cases, corrected.
                              Thanks angry cat. Been there done that. ICO said no. I even went through their complaints system. I have a thread on here.

                              The references all drop off this year, which is year 6, but it was the principle of the matter that nobody, including the regulatory bodies or an MP could be bothered to take the issue seriously.



                              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                                Hi, first a quick introduction. I have been lurking here for a while and some of you may have seen me on MoneySavingExpert site. I have 3 complaints in with Black Horse since february 2011.

                                I have spoken to BH today and after a lot of persuading they have told me that they still haven't started to process the complaints put on hold due to the JR if they believe the complaint is to do with PS10_12. They have started processing those put on hold that should not have been held. They also confirmed that they put ALL cases on hold despite what they told us in their letters and phone calls.

                                Their comment was that they are still waiting for advice on what Lloyds group policy is going to be on how to deal with the complaints on hold. I believe that the FSA need to take action on these banks that are openly defying the regulations and sticking two fingers up at the customer.



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