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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

    Not directly related but thought I would add it.

    Nothing new here then lol

    If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

      Originally posted by di30 View Post
      Thanks Paul.

      Just wondering thats all, with mine still being held up, and they actually dealt with the letter on yesterdays date and I received it in the post today.

      Cheers x

      Even though as PF rightly states H-fax and LTSB part of same group it is worth remembering that its 2 different complaints departments in 2 different locations with 2 different management teams, therefore I'm not all that surprised that one might be operating to a different set of rules to the other.

      After all when it comes to the banks (or many large institutions) since when have the left hand and right hand ever known what each other were doing???


      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

        Originally posted by Paul210 View Post
        Even though as PF rightly states H-fax and LTSB part of same group it is worth remembering that its 2 different complaints departments in 2 different locations with 2 different management teams, therefore I'm not all that surprised that one might be operating to a different set of rules to the other.

        After all when it comes to the banks (or many large institutions) since when have the left hand and right hand ever known what each other were doing???

        That is so true Paul.


        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

          Even though as PF rightly states H-fax and LTSB part of same group it is worth remembering that its 2 different complaints departments in 2 different locations with 2 different management teams, therefore I'm not all that surprised that one might be operating to a different set of rules to the other.

          After all when it comes to the banks (or many large institutions) since when have the left hand and right hand ever known what each other were doing???
          On Monday I was talking to an 89 yr old ex-bank manager his time in the banking industry was at a time when bank manager where bank managers and everything was handled at high street level.

          Those days sadly are long gone for the worst in my mind, but this 89 yr old still had a good head for figures being the treasurer at the stroke club I help out at.

          To many simple mistakes,large volume errors and large scale rip-offs are being generated via the new system of centralizing banking.
          If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

            Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
            On Monday I was talking to an 89 yr old ex-bank manager his time in the banking industry was at a time when bank manager where bank managers and everything was handled at high street level.

            Those days sadly are long gone for the worst in my mind, but this 89 yr old still had a good head for figures being the treasurer at the stroke club I help out at.

            To many simple mistakes,large volume errors and large scale rip-offs are being generated via the new system of centralizing banking.

            Aww bless him too PF.

            I was infact talking to a neighbour who lives nearby to my mum, well she is a friend to mum's in a way, she is now in her late 70's and actually worked for Lloyds, or when it was called TSB I think.
            She was saying she is disgusted with the system the way it is now, too many mistakes are made, where they used to treat customers with respect its no longer like that now.
            She was also an account holder for these but moved her account elsewhere.


            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

              I was infact talking to a neighbour who lives nearby to my mum, well she is a friend to mum's in a way, she is now in her late 70's and actually worked for Lloyds, or when it was called TSB I think.
              She was saying she is disgusted with the system the way it is now, too many mistakes are made, where they used to treat customers with respect its no longer like that now.
              She was also an account holder for these but moved her account elsewhere.

              Indeed Di and that relates to businesses in general and not just banking in there pursuit for profits.

              Could go on about that in detail but not here as the thread will go off topic.

              But maybe start another thread.

              If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
                Indeed Di and that relates to businesses in general and not just banking in there pursuit for profits.

                Could go on about that in detail but not here as the thread will go off topic.

                But maybe start another thread.


                That is actually a good idea PF.


                • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                  Just had my 2nd rejection letter this time from Barclaycard with a signed (2002) Application form which has the PPI box ticked, where do I go from here?


                  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                    Originally posted by Leucareth1971 View Post
                    Just had my 2nd rejection letter this time from Barclaycard with a signed (2002) Application form which has the PPI box ticked, where do I go from here?


                    Sorry to hear this.

                    So was this the final decision, and what reasons did they give to reject?

                    Did they suggest the financial ombudsman service (FOS)?


                    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                      Hi Yes it was the final response. The reason for rejection was that I had ticked the box asking for the PPI. They also enclosed an Application form from 2002 with the PPI box ticked and my signature.They have also said "if you would like to discuss this further please call"and also mentioned taking it to the FOS.
                      Thanks for your help.


                      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                        Originally posted by Leucareth1971 View Post
                        Hi Yes it was the final response. The reason for rejection was that I had ticked the box asking for the PPI. They also enclosed an Application form from 2002 with the PPI box ticked and my signature.They have also said "if you would like to discuss this further please call"and also mentioned taking it to the FOS.
                        Thanks for your help.
                        Your very welcome x

                        A standard fob off then?
                        We all have to sign and tick for our loans etc, but you obviously still had your reasons to make a reclaim.
                        I would not call them on the telephone, and only in writing only.
                        But otherwise now I would be making a complaint to the FOS, you can do this by ringing them and making the complaint on the telephone, or ask them to send you the complaints form, or download and print one from their website.

                        And of course enclose copies of all correspondence.

                        Oh it may be worth starting a new thread on this, so we can help as well.



                        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                          I had read on MSE that someone else has success in a reclaim with Halifax (unless its the same poster as here lol) and their case was originally held up with the JR, saying that this poster received the letter today - post number - 12552



                          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                            its not a standard fob off, it is a rejection based on the fact you ticked a box saying you wanted it, and they never gave you any advice on the matter you took it out. You also then siigned to say you knew what you were signing and agreed to it. Therefore how can you claim you have been mis-sold to...now whats your response?

                            trying to be helpful and playing DA


                            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                              Originally posted by MBD23 View Post
                              its not a standard fob off, it is a rejection based on the fact you ticked a box saying you wanted it, and they never gave you any advice on the matter you took it out. You also then siigned to say you knew what you were signing and agreed to it. Therefore how can you claim you have been mis-sold to...now whats your response?

                              trying to be helpful and playing DA

                              theres a lot of reasons for a missale MBD it,s not that straightforward, i think in all fairness a lot of people have only just realised these policies were sold in an underhand way if suppose you went overdrawn without authorisation what wouid the bank do? they wouid,nt say well don,t worry about it i,ll let you have that one, that said everyone is obviously entitled to there opinion,i can see where your coming from but if thats the case we,re all guilty of signing our paperwork,no one realised the banks were wolves in sheeps clothing we were guillable enough to think that the banks were acting in our best interests,how wrong an assumption was that,if the banks did,nt sell these policies and had,nt ripped people off wholesale they,d not have to bleat to everyone about how hard done by they are for the fact they wouid have to pay everyone back,poor banks. rant over.
                              Last edited by cappo; 14th April 2011, 09:04:AM.


                              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                                Originally posted by MBD23 View Post
                                its not a standard fob off, it is a rejection based on the fact you ticked a box saying you wanted it, and they never gave you any advice on the matter you took it out. You also then siigned to say you knew what you were signing and agreed to it. Therefore how can you claim you have been mis-sold to...now whats your response?

                                trying to be helpful and playing DA
                                Cleverly written Limitation and Exclusion clauses come to mind;
                                Limitation and Exclusion clauses that were not explained to the general consumer.


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