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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

    Originally posted by leclerc View Post
    Can I clarify who the comment is being made to? If you have something to say then say it because being suggesting that many people know nothing you don't back the comment up by qualifying why. Would you be kind enough to clarify you comments so us thickie people understand?

    Wouldn't waste your energy, leclerc!

    To date NLP has posted 117 times;
    113 posts have been about the JR;
    the other 4 in relation to same.

    NLP, appears to have nothing much to say about anything else?

    The Kraken comes to mind...


    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

      Originally posted by cappo View Post
      i,ve got one back tuttsi,now waiting on another 6,but i agree there not very quick, (cmc,s)
      Let me start by saying I believe CMC's have a place

      Far better for someone to claim through a CMC that not at all (too lazy, put off by paperwork, etc)

      However, I feel any CMC that markets "quick results!", etc should get some grief as it leads people to think CMC's can comehow extract quicker turarounds from the banks/FoS than Joe P, which is not the case

      They suffer the same delays from the banks (bloody mindedness/lack of staff) and the FoS (lack of staff) as the rest of us

      In a way, you can see those that make the "speedy" claims create problems for those that dont as people come to expect the quicker turnaround


      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

        Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
        Wouldn't waste your energy, leclerc!

        To date NLP has posted 117 times;
        113 posts have been about the JR;
        the other 4 in relation to same.

        NLP, appears to have nothing much to say about anything else?

        The Kraken comes to mind...
        No energy wasted but I'm not sure if the comment was aimed at EXC or everyone on the thread. I think it was aimed at EXC rather than anyone else but if others believe it is aimed at them, then they may take offence when it was merely a response to one single post.
        I don't think we have to ostracise NLP either for their comments since everyone has a valid right to give their viewpoint whether we like it or not.
        "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
        (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

          Let me start by saying I believe CMC's have a place

          Far better for someone to claim through a CMC that not at all (too lazy, put off by paperwork, etc)

          Agreed, but it goes without saying do not dive in at the first CMC do your homework check them out for yourself and do not read to much in to what they say about there results.
          If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

            Wow 135 guests please sign up and post your views on this subject
            If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

              Originally posted by leclerc View Post
              No energy wasted but I'm not sure if the comment was aimed at EXC or everyone on the thread. I think it was aimed at EXC rather than anyone else but if others believe it is aimed at them, then they may take offence when it was merely a response to one single post.
              I don't think we have to ostracise NLP either for their comments since everyone has a valid right to give their viewpoint whether we like it or not.
              NLP's comment was in the plural, leclerc:
              "Carry on dealing the hope out folks... i shall be back to confirm you actually understand very little."

              And, yes of course, everyone has the right to state their view.
              But, consider what they are attempting to say and be mindful about how those words could be construed by others.


              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                This is a forum I have followed avidly throughout the JR process.

                I work at a solicitors firm who deal with PPI complaints and have found the views expressed on here interesting and informative. Especially those who were able to attend and provide their first hand reports of the hearing.

                I just wanted to say thank you to those who have so greatly contributed on the forum. I also confirm that I will look to wade in with some thoughts of my own in the near future.

                The on hold letters have had a clear effect on the way in which my firm are settling these matters and in fact the number of cases we have at the FOS in total has increased by 50% since december.

                As a firm we hold a view that this is a tactic of delay and an attempt to put off further claimants. We do not see this as remotely the same as the Bank Charges issue and case surrounding the same.
                Last edited by skv123; 7th February 2011, 12:32:PM.


                • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                  Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
                  NLP's comment was in the plural, leclerc:
                  "Carry on dealing the hope out folks... i shall be back to confirm you actually understand very little."
                  So it could be directed and both myself and EXC who both responded to NLP's original post.

                  And, yes of course, everyone has the right to state their view.
                  But, consider what they are attempting to say and be mindful about how those words could be construed by others.
                  What I read is that they are assuming we are all thick. If I believed that to be the case then I am merely confirming that assumption. Are you stupid? Are you clueless? Do you believe that you are?
                  If the answer is yes then clearly NLP has a bigger impact on you than they do on myself.
                  "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                  (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                    Originally posted by ncf355 View Post
                    Let me start by saying I believe CMC's have a place

                    Far better for someone to claim through a CMC that not at all (too lazy, put off by paperwork, etc)

                    However, I feel any CMC that markets "quick results!", etc should get some grief as it leads people to think CMC's can comehow extract quicker turarounds from the banks/FoS than Joe P, which is not the case

                    They suffer the same delays from the banks (bloody mindedness/lack of staff) and the FoS (lack of staff) as the rest of us

                    In a way, you can see those that make the "speedy" claims create problems for those that dont as people come to expect the quicker turnaround
                    ha ha you guys are right about cmc,s they only want to take the easy stuff on, now had a letter from my cmc basically stating that my case is to hard (cap 1) and unclaimable we,ve all heard that one before haven,t we, i just think they don,t want to risk spending court time or money on it, there sending me my papers back and i,ll go down the fos route even if i lose it,s better to at least try isn,t it,i couid have done all this myself in the first place i now think they,ll probably do the same with the others and they,ll all go the same route, and i,ll end up doing them all myself ,do i cancel the ppi before i go down the fos route.


                    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold


                      If you are still paying it then yes I would cancel it doing so will have no effect on your claim.

                      In my case I did not cancel the PPI as my 9 PPI policies and my current loan were in a firm dispute because of the PPI and as such I stopped paying.

                      If you decide to do your claims yourself you are already in the right place to get help with your claims.

                      Good Luck
                      If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                        Afternoon knowledgeable, intelligent and information overloaded tweeps.

                        Firstly can I just a massive, massive big thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone on this site. The wealth of information available on this site which 'Joe Public' has access to is invaluable. It really is. From the opinions, informations and views from the more knowledgeable posters to the updates from inside the actual court it's like our own special little version of 'Wikileaks' for the banks. People supplying information the banks don't want 'Joe Public' to have access to.

                        So onto what is on my mind. I have to admit as much as I really do appreciate the information on this thread a lot of it does go over my head and I am quite overwhelmed. Time limits, the BBA, the FSA, the FOS, Supreme court, appeals and the list does go on.

                        I currently have lodged two complaints for and on behalf of my father for missold PPI. One is against FirstPlus/Barclays and the other is against MBNA.

                        Both complaints were lodged with the companies in September/August 2010. After several stalling letters from both companies it took until Christmas before I received a generic letter from both companies that my complaint is now on hold because of the Judicial Review.

                        Yes I know I could and probably should of took my complaint to the FOS after the 8 week time frame. However when you trawl the internet you see the FOS has a large backlog and now more people than ever are submitting their PPI complaints to the FOS and the backlog is getting bigger. You also read on the internet and even on this thread where the FOS have upheld a complaint but can't/won't get any monies paid out again using the Judicial Review as the reason. It really does leave 'Joe Public' in limbo and not knowing where to turn to. It just feels that the banks are pulling the strings and can and will do as they please and no one can stop them. The banks seem to be able to put complaints on hold with generic letters and defy the FSA with no penalty. Why are the FSA not flexing their supposed authority? Why are they not hitting banks hard which are using the Judicial Review as a stalling tool for complaints which may not be affected by the Judicial Review? the banks just seem to be putting all complaints on hold without doing any checks or research. This is wholly unfair! How can it be justified that complaints can take 8 weeks for a 'final response' but only for that response to be a generic letter which claims your complaint is affected by the Judicial Review but there is no evidence to back it up. Just a letter stating your complaint is on hold because of the Judicial Review. Yes I do know you can then go to the FOS. You then could be in for a major delay. Weeks? Months? Even years? Even then your complaint may not be upheld. It's laughable and depressing. Is it just me or does anyone else feel the banks will win this court case? My dad is not getting any younger and has worked and paid his taxes all his life. If MBNA and Barclays have made him feel that his loan could not processed without PPI and this is against the rules, then he surely should be entitled to all monies he has paid back in a timely manner without all this s**t! Absolutely ****ed off with the banks! They screw you for everything and give nothing back! Even when they bend and break the rules they still seem to have the upper hand and call the shots! Sorry for being so pessimistic but it's OK reading that people think and hope the banks will lose but until it happens and my father is refunded for being forced PPI that is when I'll believe the banks have well and truely lost.

                        Gripe over.



                        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                          Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post

                          If you are still paying it then yes I would cancel it doing so will have no effect on your claim.

                          In my case I did not cancel the PPI as my 9 PPI policies and my current loan were in a firm dispute because of the PPI and as such I stopped paying.

                          If you decide to do your claims yourself you are already in the right place to get help with your claims.

                          Good Luck
                          thanks pf sounds like good advice my reasoning is if i get nowhere it,s better than doing nothing isn,t it, it,s all about the no-win no fee but you think the cmc wouid realise of course the banks arn,t going to just say fair cop you,ve got me i,m going to refund all your money now maybe they don,t realise that they normally refuse when you first ask for your money back, sounds cynical i know but i,m disappointed that there not even willing to have a crack at it, oh well you know what they say if you want to do something do it yourself will cancel the ppi and go and get em.


                          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                            I understand your frustration but here is what I would do:-

                            Send both claims to the FoS - I appreciate they have a backlog however at least you will start to get in the queue. Worst case you will have to wait however we have had some on hold claims resolved by the FoS in 28 days.

                            Send a copy of the on hold letter to the FSA (you will see the whistleblower e-mails address on their website or earlier in this thread from exc)

                            Send a copy of all correspondance to your local MP and ask for a response and support from them.

                            This may be frustrating as I agree the banks should just own up but we cannot at the moment change things and so have to keep chipping away - it will change but we have to force the change through.

                            Hope this helps.


                            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                              Well just phoned my bank for an update on the finalization of my claim but the guy dealing with it is out to lunch.

                              I refused to speak to anyone else as I firmly believe a complaint of this nature should be dealt with by one person only as this was partly why my complaint took 2.5 yrs to get this far

                              The right arm not knowing what the left is doing, anyway just waiting for a ring back but being as all are in agreement and both the bank and the FOS acceptance forms have been signed and delivered I hope that there will not be any further delay JR or otherwise.
                              If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                                Originally posted by george View Post
                                I understand your frustration but here is what I would do:-

                                Send both claims to the FoS - I appreciate they have a backlog however at least you will start to get in the queue. Worst case you will have to wait however we have had some on hold claims resolved by the FoS in 28 days.

                                Send a copy of the on hold letter to the FSA (you will see the whistleblower e-mails address on their website or earlier in this thread from exc)

                                Send a copy of all correspondance to your local MP and ask for a response and support from them.

                                This may be frustrating as I agree the banks should just own up but we cannot at the moment change things and so have to keep chipping away - it will change but we have to force the change through.

                                Hope this helps.
                                Hello George. I'm guessing your post was in reply to me? LoL! I do hear what you are saying. If I send my complaints to the FOS as you say I will be in the queue. For how long though? It really could be months or even years. I guess deep down I'm hoping the banks lose the JR one way or another I can then ring direct to the bank and shout 'YOU OWE ME MONEY AND I WANT IT ASAP!' What would take longer in your view George or anyones for that matter? A decision on the court case or the complaint being resolved via the FOS while the court case continues?

                                As for sending my 'holding letters' to the FSA, will they really do anything? I have no faith in them as the banks are already running rings around them. I guess though the more people who get on the backs of the FSA with regards to the banks action, they will have to take notice. Or will they? Probably not.

                                Have the FSA took action against any of the banks which have put claims on hold without doing a proper investigation to see whether the actual complaint is affected by the JR?


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