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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

    Originally posted by gazdarke View Post
    I am waiting also but was only informed of complaint upheld on 26/08/11. They told me 8 weeks once they have had confirmation that I "Agree" to redress being calculated.

    FOS sent me a letter saying If I do not contact them they will assume I am happy after 14 days, and inform RBS. THEN the 8 week wait will start so potentially from 27/7/11 until first week of next for you Leucareth. Its a painful wait as I'm sure you know.

    Hi Thanks for the info. They say that they have cancelled the two chqs that had been sent out (never received!) and I should receive the new ones within 10 days which is tomorrow


    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

      RBS said they would ENDEVOUR to pay in 28 days


      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

        Originally posted by cappo View Post
        Hi cat this is what i've had with the cap one and fos, i have the ombudsman looking into it now, the adjudicator rejected my claim after telling me that they accepted that i had'nt had all the info provided to me, but they still rejected, my ppi was sold to me only 6 weeks before the fsa started regulating cap one,s insurance (ppi) arm the fos seem to protect cap 1 and i don't know why.
        Nothing surprises me Re: the FOS!

        Why havn't you made the claim to Capone direct?

        Or, have you, only to be fobbed off by Ms. Renshaw?

        At the end of the day, if capone customers were not provided with full policies.
        How on earth would they know about the ingeniously written limitation and exclusion clauses?

        You couldn't make it up!


        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

          Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
          Nothing surprises me Re: the FOS!

          Why havn't you made the claim to Capone direct?

          Or, have you, only to be fobbed off by Ms. Renshaw?

          At the end of the day, if capone customers were not provided with full policies.
          How on earth would they know about the ingeniously written limitation and exclusion clauses?

          You couldn't make it up!

          Yes mat:tinysmile_cry_t:e got the fingers up from capone already so thought i'd try the fos but i don't think anyone gets anywhere with them from what i can make of it.


          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

            Originally posted by cappo View Post
            Yes mat:tinysmile_cry_t:e got the fingers up from capone already so thought i'd try the fos but i don't think anyone gets anywhere with them from what i can make of it.
            How sad, many consumers with valid PPI complaints, 'got the fingers up from capone'.

            Rest assured that there are many capone PPI complainants waiting on the sidelines who would not go to the FOS...

            Please note that capone did in fact sign up to the GISC [Emphasis Added]


            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

              Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
              How sad, many consumers with valid PPI complaints, 'got the fingers up from capone'.

              Rest assured that there are many capone PPI complainants waiting on the sidelines who would not go to the FOS...

              Please note that capone did in fact sign up to the GISC [Emphasis Added]

              they seem to get you all ways cat this is my last ditch attempt to get them now if the actual ombudsman blows me off thats it i think, i'm not messing about with mcol capone seems to have all the angles covered with the fos they blew all my points out of the water, like you said yesterday i got the great rejection from capone directly but i was surprised by the fos response.


              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                Dear Mr EXC,

                Freedom of Information: Right to know request

                Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act), for the following information.

                “1).. Given that the Judicial Review proceedings effectively delayed firms' implementation of the PS 10/12, what is the revised implementation date for the Root Cause Analysis requirements?

                2) As priority has been given to the fair handling complaints, is there a separate, later implementation date for Root Cause Analysis for the firms that were granted an extension to dealing with complaints beyond the standard 8 week period.

                3) What is the revised time table for the monitoring of the Root Cause Analysis requirements?

                4) To date how many firms’ if any, have either initiated customer contact exercises under the Root Cause Analysis requirements of PS 10/12 (as distinct from past business reviews already agreed) or have indicated an intention to do so. Please note I am not asking for any firm specific data.”

                Your request has now been considered. I can confirm that we hold the information you have requested which is enclosed.

                For point 1
                of your request, firstly we would clarify that the requirement for firms to undertake Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is not new. It has been a requirement under DISP 1.3.3R since the FSA began regulating general insurance in 2005. DISP 1.3.3R requires a firm to put in place appropriate controls and take reasonable steps to ensure that in handling complaints it identifies any recurring or systemic problems, for example by analysing causes of individual complaints to identify underlying root causes common to types of complaints; considering whether such root causes may affect other processes or products; and where reasonable to do so, take action to correct such root causes.

                Policy Statement (PS) 10/12 added to the above long established requirement by including a new DISP Appendix 3 which contains:

                a) guidance on what a firm might need to consider in the PPI context when undertaking RCA; and

                b) further guidance setting out particular factors which a firm should consider when determining whether it ought to act in respect of the position of those people that had not complained but nonetheless might have been adversely affected by systemic problem(s) identified in its sales practices relating to PPI, such as the scope and severity of the detriment that might have arisen, and whether it is fair and reasonable for the firm to undertake a proactive remediation exercise.

                The DISP Appendix 3 guidance (that came into force on 1 December 2010) shows that it is each firm's own responsibility to deliver fair outcomes and treat customers fairly in accordance with Principle 6 (to the extent that it applies). The responsibility for conducting RCA and identifying any appropriate course of own-initiative action therefore rests with each regulated firm.

                In view of the delay caused by the Judicial Review proceedings, we have decided to begin monitoring firms’ compliance with our RCA requirements, in early 2012.

                In PS 10/12 at page 30 we ask that firms retain records of their RCA of PPI sales problems and failings, their considerations and decisions about whether and what own initiative actions are required as a result, the scope, nature and results of the actions taken, including any dealings with individual consumers included in the scope of the firm's own initiative actions. We will draw on these records in the course of our monitoring work.

                For point 2
                of your request there is not a separate, later implementation date for RCA for the firms that were granted an extension to deal with complaints beyond the standard 8 week period.

                For point 3
                of your request, as mentioned above, we intend to begin monitoring firms’ compliance with our RCA requirements, from early 2012.

                For point 4
                of your request, based on the recorded information that we hold, the FSA is aware of 4 firms who have either (i) initiated customer contact exercises or (ii) indicated an intention to do so. However, please note that the FSA has not, at this stage, actively been seeking or verifying information on this aspect of firms’ activities, given that we intend to monitor firms’ compliance with our RCA requirements, from early 2012. Therefore this figure cannot be considered an accurate total of the number of firms who have initiated customer contact exercises in line with our guidance set out in PS 10/12 or intend to do so.

                If you have any queries then please contact me.

                Yours sincerely,

                Emma Binning
                | Operation Services | Information Access |

                Financial Services Authority
                25 The North Colonnade
                Canary Wharf
                E14 5HS


                • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                  Originally posted by cappo View Post
                  they seem to get you all ways cat this is my last ditch attempt to get them now if the actual ombudsman blows me off thats it i think, i'm not messing about with mcol capone seems to have all the angles covered with the fos they blew all my points out of the water, like you said yesterday i got the great rejection from capone directly but i was surprised by the fos response.

                  Hi guys surprise surprise i tried to contact my fos adjudicator yesterday to be told she no longer worked at the fos, don't know what happened she could have left to have a baby for all i know but i've had an interesting turnaround with my case there is a new adjudicator sorting out my claim with an ombudsman (so i was told today) they have advsed me to put a claim in to axa the insurance broker for critical illness when i had my stroke, this claim will pay £700.00 and i'm told that the ppi premiums amounted to £500.00 i'm assuming this is without interest added the fos have told me to look into this but if axa will not payout on the claim the ombudsman will uphold the cap 1 claim for £500.00, i'm made up with this as even though it's not a life changing sum i will have won my claim but if it had'nt been for our Di i would have dropped it at the adjudicator stage, thanks Di:tinysmile_kiss_t4:


                  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                    Originally posted by cappo View Post
                    Hi guys surprise surprise i tried to contact my fos adjudicator yesterday to be told she no longer worked at the fos, don't know what happened she could have left to have a baby for all i know but i've had an interesting turnaround with my case there is a new adjudicator sorting out my claim with an ombudsman (so i was told today) they have advsed me to put a claim in to axa the insurance broker for critical illness when i had my stroke, this claim will pay £700.00 and i'm told that the ppi premiums amounted to £500.00 i'm assuming this is without interest added the fos have told me to look into this but if axa will not payout on the claim the ombudsman will uphold the cap 1 claim for £500.00, i'm made up with this as even though it's not a life changing sum i will have won my claim but if it had'nt been for our Di i would have dropped it at the adjudicator stage, thanks Di:tinysmile_kiss_t4:

                    That is fab Cappo, great news, well done to you and for perservering as well good one honey xxx


                    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                      Originally posted by cappo View Post
                      Hi guys surprise surprise i tried to contact my fos adjudicator yesterday to be told she no longer worked at the fos, don't know what happened she could have left to have a baby for all i know but i've had an interesting turnaround with my case there is a new adjudicator sorting out my claim with an ombudsman (so i was told today) they have advsed me to put a claim in to axa the insurance broker for critical illness when i had my stroke, this claim will pay £700.00 and i'm told that the ppi premiums amounted to £500.00 i'm assuming this is without interest added the fos have told me to look into this but if axa will not payout on the claim the ombudsman will uphold the cap 1 claim for £500.00, i'm made up with this as even though it's not a life changing sum i will have won my claim but if it had'nt been for our Di i would have dropped it at the adjudicator stage, thanks Di:tinysmile_kiss_t4:
                      Brilliant news for you, cappo

                      Just goes to show though, how hard consumers who have valid complaints have to fight!

                      One wonders, what the story was behind the initial FOS adjudicator?
                      A part timer perhaps? (many FOS adjudicators worked on a part-time basis)

                      Time now for you to do your maths...


                      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                        well done mate. good result.


                        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                          The FOS have a high turnover of staff, as might be expected to some extent dealing with complaints in any organisation. The Insurance disputes dept is or was managed by a complete bully and there was a lot of sexism when I worked there.


                          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                            Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
                            Brilliant news for you, cappo

                            Just goes to show though, how hard consumers who have valid complaints have to fight!

                            One wonders, what the story was behind the initial FOS adjudicator?
                            A part timer perhaps? (many FOS adjudicators worked on a part-time basis)

                            Time now for you to do your maths...

                            yes cat i've been wondering what went on with the old adjudicator it seems strange how the ombudsman is willing to uphold it now he/she has got involved, thanks to you all for advice on here, all the best
                            ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                            Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
                            well done mate. good result.

                            Cheers DS
                            Last edited by cappo; 1st October 2011, 19:57:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                              After a long wait offer letter from Marks and Spencer today.
                              Not all good news as Bank of Scotland still not replied , gave them selves thirty days but last week that was "up" and I got a letter from Blair Oliver Scott "agreeing" to my payment plan.
                              They told FOS last week they could not find the account deatils and i am yet to hear if they have got a reply. The complaint was upheld back in July!
                              Never give up, Never surrender.


                              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                                Hi Guys, first time post,. i have been talking to RBS about ppi on a sainburys loan, they wrote to me at the end of september offering to repay my full ppi costs plus interest without detailing the amount, and asked me to sign my acceptance which i did, last week on the monday i had a letter stating they would shortly send out a cheque for £5339, does anyone know or have an idea how long now it will take for them to send out the cheque as the letter said shortly?


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