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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

    As long this is all being "fastracked" haha


    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

      Fast tracked does not mean that the case will be fast in the literal sense of the word. I mean, you know the legal processes in place by now, and the only comparable case I can give is the bank charges one which was announced in July 2007 and was first heard in January of 2008. This case was announced in October 2010 and heard in January 2011 with the verdict on both cases in April. In a sense, we are 3 months in front of the Bank charges case but as I said in an earlier post, the first judgement in the PPI case was that the JR could go ahead and was thrown out on all grounds. In the bank charges case, it was a score draw, ie penalty charges issue thrown out but UTCCR argument went to the OFT(rather than the FSA in this case). Once the BBA appeal then the FSA/FOS have got to respond prior to any court date. The Independent has suggested an end date of December 2012 for the full conclusion so anywhere between now and that timescale would mean that the case would have concluded faster than the bank charges case. At any rate, if people think that "fast tracked" means that the courts stops all other cases just to hear one case and give a judgement than they are deluded at best. As it stands today, the BBA are in trouble since they lost not just one of their points but every single one of them and that is important to remember.
      "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
      (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

        Appeal.... lose

        Supreme... win

        the end.


        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

          Ripped off Britons - Cartoon Strip

          Payment Protection Insurance: bankers appeal to protect their right to do wrong


          The banks have been comprehensively routed in the courts, and been publicly exposed in the most blatant stinking mis-selling of overpriced insurance to people who didn’t want it, didn’t understand it, and to people who weren’t even eligible to claim on it. So why are the banks going to draw out their humiliation with an appeal over Payment Protection Insurance (PPI)? The reason has little to do with PPI itself, and everything to do with something much more fundamental to the industry. The banks need to protect their right to do the wrong thing.

          More on link above.


          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

            Originally posted by NLP View Post
            Appeal.... lose

            Supreme... win

            the end.

            That'd be my take on it as well.

            The 'system' always wins one way or 'tother.


            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold


              6 Words with no sustinance perhaps you could enlighten us all and give your reasons why you think it will be lost at the supreme court.

              come on we are dying to know.
              If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                PF, the problem is that the monied elite, who own the banks one way or the other, do not like paying out billions to consumers. To appear "just" the case has to be seen to succeed at one level, but on appeal may go 'tother way.

                This is cynical and I do not want it to be that way. I have PPI claims and detest the banks with a passion.

                I just wouldn't put any ready money on a consumer victory in the long-term.


                • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                  Would you put any against it?


                  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                    Good question. Lets say if I HAD to place a bet then I would bet on the banks winning; and not for any other reason than this affects the bank balances of the most powerful people in the land.


                    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                      Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
                      That'd be my take on it as well.

                      The 'system' always wins one way or 'tother.
                      ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                      Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post

                      6 Words with no sustinance perhaps you could enlighten us all and give your reasons why you think it will be lost at the supreme court.

                      come on we are dying to know.
                      Just my opinion... based upon previous stich ups.

                      You must remember this... the banks keep this little old island afloat... no government can afford to not bow down to them.

                      Look at Bob Diamond recent comments re:re location for Barclay's to NYC... the City pooped themselves... they win at all costs cos they can.
                      ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                      Those still in lah lah land not able to comprehend who the banks truly are

                      spend a few hours watching "Money Masters" on you tube or reading The Creature from Jekyll Island.
                      Last edited by NLP; 28th April 2011, 15:00:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                        Not sure where they got their figures from but if correct a ppi ROE of 490% is scary, im clearly in the wrong game, how do i get into this selling ppi lark??

                        (said in jest, before the entire LB community come gunning for me lol.)


                        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                          Originally posted by NLP View Post
                          relocation of Barclay's to NYC... the City pooped themselves... they win at all costs cos they can.
                          Sadly that statement must be accurate. The bank bail outs were a fop to their threats.


                          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                            do not like paying out billions to consumers

                            That is the point they will not be paying out billions in the sence of the word but returning money that was never theres in the first place.

                            They will only return the money if it is proved that the policy was missold and on that basis the money is not, was not and never will be theres.

                            If the Supreme Court does judge in the BBA's favour it will be another nail in the coffin of the british financial industry and will prove how corrupt justice is.

                            However I still stand behind Judge Ouseley's excellent Judgement and still believe it will win the day and July will be the turning point for us all.

                            If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                              You must remember this... the banks keep this little old island afloat... no government can afford to not bow down to them.

                              I do not agree it is business that keeps us aflot banks are merely custonians of the money generated by business if there was no businesses paying that money in they would soon go under the whole country is running scared of the banks and that is wrong if a bank goes bust or want to move let them as another will soon take over the gap they left.

                              The Government and us consumers are the true kingmakers, we should never be held to ransom by the banks.

                              Last edited by pompeyfaith; 28th April 2011, 15:25:PM.
                              If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                                Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
                                returning money that was never theres in the first place.
                                They won't see it that way. That's the point. There's probably not much point debating this.

                                I could really do with my money back from First Direct right now, but do I think I'm likely to get it back? I honstly don't know. Probably not.


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