Can anyone explain what a breach of indemnity principal is? or what it means in my situation. I made a claim as an LIP against a company of which I am a member, and lost. Before the hearing I asked by a vary request for the defendant name to be changed from 'the company' to 'the directors of the co.' but this did not happen for some reason and was dismissed. The claim ultimately failed and I was told to pay the defendants (meaning, the company's) legal fees. The defendants solicitors were very hostile and pressured me to pay them directly. At a later meeting a Director was heard saying that the Company itself had not incurred a cost, but that the Directors themselves 'loaned' the money in principal and would be repaid by repayment of the loan, but that in practice no money would enter or leave the company itself. I thought this was odd as i' been ordered to pay the company. I mentioned this in a vary application to the court and they said it may be a breach of the indemnity principal. And that the Directors have been ordered to produce a witness statement explaining how this loan arrangement was not a breach of the indemnity principal. I do not know what all that means. ca anyone explain it in ways I can understand? Do i owe the debt to the company, even though it has not paid any costs itself? or by some miracle is the debt unenforceable as the company has not actually paid anything itself?
If so, thank you. i'm very confused
If so, thank you. i'm very confused