Legislation is required to force Banks to play fair with their customers. THEY have a duty of care and should be responsible, i.e. Do not make Debits a priority before days credits in respect of Direct Debits. If Funds are paid in/credited the same day there should be no DEFAULT Charges, since that court case they have introduced Draconian Charges and saying we pay @ Midnight (is that 12.00p.m. previous day or 12.01a.m. on the due day????), The amiss is paramount to Fraud on a wide scale, WHERE are the Terms & Conditions for this Travesty of Justice?. This is a General Enquiry into what action if any Your Organisation (Which the General Public) are questioning, are able to investigate and Legislate.
Your reply would be greatly appreciated,
Thanking You in Anticipation,
This is a copy of E,mail sent to-day to OMB. - The Opening Shot.
Your reply would be greatly appreciated,
Thanking You in Anticipation,
This is a copy of E,mail sent to-day to OMB. - The Opening Shot.