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118 money unaffordable lending

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  • 118 money unaffordable lending

    Just had a unafordable lending claim upheld by 118 money on both a credit card and a loan , unfortunately there are still balances owed on both accounts after 118 have taken of the interest,can anyone shed a little light on what is the legal ground on the contracts I signed and do I need to negotiate the payments remaining or will 118 money still send me monthly statements out calculating what I should pay.
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  • #2
    Depends what the outcome was .. if they are upholding some of the complaint but balance remains ideally they should direct you for payment s going forth if not then you need to make payment. Arrangement with them .If you don't accept their decision and take it to ombudsman you ideally would need to pay until settled.You will not lose any offer you have but don't accept until ombudsman. Decision


    • #3
      Originally posted by redstar View Post
      Depends what the outcome was .. if they are upholding some of the complaint but balance remains ideally they should direct you for payment s going forth if not then you need to make payment. Arrangement with them .If you don't accept their decision and take it to ombudsman you ideally would need to pay until settled.You will not lose any offer you have but don't accept until ombudsman. Decision
      They upheld some of the Balance ie interest and left me with a balance of £650 I made two payments to them since of £50 as they requested now they have sold the remaining balance to a dca can they do this .


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