:doggieyes: HI GUYS !! This is my first post and it is a pleasure to contribute to this fantastic online facility. If anyone on here had a Wonga loan which was wrote off as part of the FSA forbearance programme, take note that I am handling a complaint at the moment in respect of all the other loans taken out before the last one was wrote off. The forbearance programme was forced on Wonga as it held the loans were not compliant and as such the balances were wrote off in many cases. I am therefore handling a complaint stating that if the processes in that case were not compliant, then all previous loans may have been non compliant. WE ARE NOT REQUESTING A REFUND- THIS IS NOT POSSILE (!)- THE MONEY WAS BORROWED, SPENT, AND PAID BACK . . . . . . . HOWEVER . . . I am contesting the interest charged on those loans as well as any other fees associated with the loans ( I doubt if successful I would be able to recover the transmission fees however lets us see! ) In the case I am dealing with I am in receipt of a 56 DAY waiting letter from Wonga, it makes no mention to anything specific other than they are receiving a large number of complaints to do with this, a 56 day waiting letter gives me leave to take the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service. I would imagine Wonga may try and obtain a Judicial review, especially if many people are complaining and Wonga feel its unfair, but these complaints have come as a result of an FOS case Ami Jarmin v Wonga, were the FOS ordered the repayment of past interest charges on her previous loans. It may be worth contacting the complaints department of Wonga before any potential judicial review as whilst the Courts are involved everyone's complaints are frozen until they give a ruling.
We can but try in the face of injustice
Best Wishes
Christopher Mullins
We can but try in the face of injustice
Best Wishes
Christopher Mullins