Hi all, can any one give me some advise please. I have been trying to get information from CFO Lending regarding a loan they say I still have with them. They have registered a default on my credit file without my knowledge and with no warning letters or default notices etc.. but everytime I send a letter with the account number on, my full name and address including signed signature, they are replying with letters saying that they will not look into the matter without me supplying them with and I quote
Full name
Date of Birth
Address inc post code
Landline number
Mobile number
Email address
Employer telephone number
Bank Name
Bank Account number
Bank Sort Code
Is this correct, I cant imagine it will be ?? I have supplied already the account number that they gave me. How do I proceed with this if they will not send / give me anything without the above. I am NOT giving my bank details nor am I giving me employer details as they are known for ringing employers up. Any advice would be great, thanks in advance.
Full name
Date of Birth
Address inc post code
Landline number
Mobile number
Email address
Employer telephone number
Bank Name
Bank Account number
Bank Sort Code
Is this correct, I cant imagine it will be ?? I have supplied already the account number that they gave me. How do I proceed with this if they will not send / give me anything without the above. I am NOT giving my bank details nor am I giving me employer details as they are known for ringing employers up. Any advice would be great, thanks in advance.