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Sunny / Elevate / Perch Capital HELP

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  • Selly58
    started a topic Sunny / Elevate / Perch Capital HELP

    Sunny / Elevate / Perch Capital HELP


    In 2018 I had a loan with Sunny Loans (owned by Elevate) they have since gone into administration due to miss selling.

    I completely forgot about this loan but now I am being chased by ACI debt collectors on behalf of Perch Capital, which bought the debt.

    The majority of the loans with Sunny were up held as miss sold. I strongly believe mine was also but never logged a claim in time. I do not want to pay this £800 debt and I do not feel I should as I could not afford the loan at the time.

    Who exactly do I log a miss selling and affordability complaint too? Is it too late now Sunny (Elevate) are insolvent? If I can log a complaint will collection activities be put on hold?

    I am stuck want to do. I can not afford to pay them anything per month but I need to stop them coming after me, they have threated to send a contact representative to my house even!

    Any help will be very appreciated!

    Thank you
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  • redstar
    Sunny gad emailed customer s about two maybe three years ago about registering clim when they went into administration .. was there a reason you didn't claim ? Gave you requested dsar and proof of credit agreement from debt collection and try contesting ... Or just leave it. Don't acknowledge and wait for statued bar Unlikely they will do anything but send letters ...

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