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Spring Personal Loan (Secured) Court Order - Enforcement

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  • Spring Personal Loan (Secured) Court Order - Enforcement

    I have a bit of a challenge with Spring Finance AKA Spring Personal Loans.
    They "gave" a loan of £11,800 secured on my house in 2007. My sister was very ill with a brain tumour then she died so I did not pay this enough attention at the time. They got a court order for the debt. 18 months ago. I have been paying £300 per month. So far I have paid them over £20,000 which includes vast amounts of legal costs and charges. Then in July 2014 they sent me a letter saying I now owe them an ADDITIONAL £20,000 but they would discount it to £15,000 as a good will gesture and that I could continue to pay at £300!!! They sent me a document to sign which I have not signed. It seems they are trying to get me into a NEW contract for this additional amount. I was SHOCKED!! I sent a SAR. They sent me documents. I have sent them requests for proof that I owe this money. All they have sent are statements. I DO NOT BELIEVE I OWE THEM ANY MONEY. They are thieves and pirates. But their trump card is this court order they have and they are threatening me with enforcement.
    I sent them 3 conditional acceptance letters and an Estoppel notice because they did not send me the documents I wanted. The copy of the contract is not signed by either of their 2 directors as required by the Companies Act. And I want to challenge the validity of the contract. I also sent them a fee schedule and told them if they continue to contact me, demand money with menaces and harass me it will cost them £30,000. I have today sent them an invoice for the £30,000 and a Statutory Declaration. Payment is due on 10 January 2015.
    I am setting up the position for a set-off if it comes to court again.
    My question for today is
    1. Can they enforce the "old" order for this new amount -it was 18 months ago - for a different sum. They did not enforce it at the time. But I was paying £300 per month.
    2. Should I take pre-emptive action by making an application to the court to set aside the order?
    3. Should I issue a claim for my £30,000
    4. I believe the contract is void as it is not properly executed by a director as required by the Companies Act. There is just a squiggle.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have 2 children and I know their next move will me to send bailiffs and intimidate us and try to re-possess the property. I need to take pre-emptive action.
    Thank you
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  • #2
    Re: Spring Personal Loan (Secured) Court Order - Enforcement


    Can you post up a suitably redacted copy (s) of the agreement please?


    • #3
      Re: Spring Personal Loan (Secured) Court Order - Enforcement

      They "gave" a loan of £11,800 secured on my house in 2007. My sister was very ill with a brain tumour then she died so I did not pay this enough attention at the time.
      What was the interest rate? Why did you borrow the money? Did you subsequently miss payments? Is there a clause which increases the interest rate if you miss payments?


      • #4
        Re: Spring Personal Loan (Secured) Court Order - Enforcement

        Registration Number: Z7729596
        Date Registered: 17 March 2003 Registration Expires: 16 March 2015
        Data Controller: SPRING FINANCE LTD
        69-71 CLARENDON RD
        WD17 1DS
        The above is these cowboys registration with ICO for their Licence to process Data.
        When a company changes its registered office, they MUST notify the ICO within 28 days of the change. Under Part 111 section 20
        If they don't they commit a criminal Offence as stated in section 21
        69-71 CLARENDON RD
        WD17 1DS

        On 17 /02/2010 They changed their registered Office to
        WD17 1HP

        ON 26/03/2012 They changed their registered Office to
        ALLUM GATE
        WD6 4RS
        They didn't notify the ICO on the 1st change and they haven't on the second change.
        Since 17th Feb 2010 they have been processing data about you ( and other borrowers) and committing a criminal offence in doing so.


        Just information...... not legal ADVICE my opinion only


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