What income do people need to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living?
Soaring childcare and transport costs plus cuts to tax credits mean families need to earn a third more post-recession to make ends meet.
A video and infographics www.jrf.org.uk/mis illustrate the data.
An interactive visual http://mis.jrf.org.uk lets you explore what goods MIS can buy you, as decided by members of the public.
A minimum income calculator http://www.minimumincome.org.uk/ lets people find out how their income measures up to the MIS.
JRF’s annual update, based on what members of the public think people need to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living.
via A minimum income standard for the UK in 2012 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
PDF 4 pages 0.3 MB
Full report
PDF 52 pages 1.3 MB
Soaring childcare and transport costs plus cuts to tax credits mean families need to earn a third more post-recession to make ends meet.
A video and infographics www.jrf.org.uk/mis illustrate the data.
An interactive visual http://mis.jrf.org.uk lets you explore what goods MIS can buy you, as decided by members of the public.
A minimum income calculator http://www.minimumincome.org.uk/ lets people find out how their income measures up to the MIS.
JRF’s annual update, based on what members of the public think people need to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living.
via A minimum income standard for the UK in 2012 | Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
PDF 4 pages 0.3 MB
Full report
PDF 52 pages 1.3 MB