my hardship claim is with the smile co-op bank and the last correspondance I received from them was Nov 4th stating Quote " upon receipt of the completed financial statement , together with supporting documentation we may be able to assist you with your finances. The first response to my letter requesting they view my claim under hardship guidelines (which I sent along with supporting documents at the time around about mid aug I think, ) didn't come until October 29 and barely acknowledged my request it be viewed under hardship. That letter just gave the 'yadayada' about the OFT test case and mentioned numerous times that all cases were stayed until a conclusion reached etc etc. It just said quote " I note that your letter refers to the fact that you have experienced difficult financial circumstances. I can assure you that we treat all cases of financial difficulty in a positive and sympathetic manner and in this respect I have passed a copy of your letter to our debt management department, who will contact you under separate cover. Apart from that paragraph which acknowledged my 'difficult financial ' circumstances' the letter continues on and on about the test case for a further 2 A4 pages, without actually telling me anything except that the book had been passed on... As I said, I sent documentation and proof first time round and the letter dated 29 Oct was their first response to my request to look at my claim under hardship. The 2nd letter which was ONE A4 sheet, said as I quoted... I sent (again) IE and proofs they wanted, by special express delivery (£4.95 to post!!!). Needless to say, I've heard nothing at all since supreme court ruling... so, I'm still waiting to hear if they even acknowledge my status of hardship and proceed forward, or if they'll refute it (cant see how they can as am on state ben/disabilty and was through the heaviest charging they took from me) in addition to paying over a grand each year for at least 5 years, in charges... and even had a basic bank account shut down (HSBC) as there was lot of probs when gov changes with my ben left me without money from Aug till Oct through admin errors... so TV licence DD wasn't covered. HSBC cant charge on basic accounts so they shut me down instead, leaving only my flexi saver account to get my ben paid into... if that doesn't offer them proof of finacial hardship then I dont know wot will... ? I'm just sitting tight waiting for guidance from people with knowledge on how best to advance, and/or get some reply from bank? Would that be the right thing to do? Or should I get in touch with them do ya think? They dont seem interested in my opinion; unless they too aren't sure which best way forward? Catxxx
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PS No specific contact number as such, just the main 0845 number for smile bank (I presume, main switchboard) and a typed name with a quiggle signature and customer services advisor in brackets... XXX
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Based upon what Co-op SAY they are doing with claims of hardship they are currently looking at, I can't say that any of the points they said they 'action, following SC ruling, have been carried out in my case... no receipt or acknowledgement of my documents, nothing; no mention of a good with money website, not even a 'hang fire we haven't forgotten you' unless I am being too impatient? They did seem to be more expedient PRIOR to ruling tho... XXX'
my hardship claim is with the smile co-op bank and the last correspondance I received from them was Nov 4th stating Quote " upon receipt of the completed financial statement , together with supporting documentation we may be able to assist you with your finances. The first response to my letter requesting they view my claim under hardship guidelines (which I sent along with supporting documents at the time around about mid aug I think, ) didn't come until October 29 and barely acknowledged my request it be viewed under hardship. That letter just gave the 'yadayada' about the OFT test case and mentioned numerous times that all cases were stayed until a conclusion reached etc etc. It just said quote " I note that your letter refers to the fact that you have experienced difficult financial circumstances. I can assure you that we treat all cases of financial difficulty in a positive and sympathetic manner and in this respect I have passed a copy of your letter to our debt management department, who will contact you under separate cover. Apart from that paragraph which acknowledged my 'difficult financial ' circumstances' the letter continues on and on about the test case for a further 2 A4 pages, without actually telling me anything except that the book had been passed on... As I said, I sent documentation and proof first time round and the letter dated 29 Oct was their first response to my request to look at my claim under hardship. The 2nd letter which was ONE A4 sheet, said as I quoted... I sent (again) IE and proofs they wanted, by special express delivery (£4.95 to post!!!). Needless to say, I've heard nothing at all since supreme court ruling... so, I'm still waiting to hear if they even acknowledge my status of hardship and proceed forward, or if they'll refute it (cant see how they can as am on state ben/disabilty and was through the heaviest charging they took from me) in addition to paying over a grand each year for at least 5 years, in charges... and even had a basic bank account shut down (HSBC) as there was lot of probs when gov changes with my ben left me without money from Aug till Oct through admin errors... so TV licence DD wasn't covered. HSBC cant charge on basic accounts so they shut me down instead, leaving only my flexi saver account to get my ben paid into... if that doesn't offer them proof of finacial hardship then I dont know wot will... ? I'm just sitting tight waiting for guidance from people with knowledge on how best to advance, and/or get some reply from bank? Would that be the right thing to do? Or should I get in touch with them do ya think? They dont seem interested in my opinion; unless they too aren't sure which best way forward? Catxxx
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PS No specific contact number as such, just the main 0845 number for smile bank (I presume, main switchboard) and a typed name with a quiggle signature and customer services advisor in brackets... XXX
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Based upon what Co-op SAY they are doing with claims of hardship they are currently looking at, I can't say that any of the points they said they 'action, following SC ruling, have been carried out in my case... no receipt or acknowledgement of my documents, nothing; no mention of a good with money website, not even a 'hang fire we haven't forgotten you' unless I am being too impatient? They did seem to be more expedient PRIOR to ruling tho... XXX'