Hi all,
not sure what to make of this really; ie do I take it at face value? Or is it the banks way of procrastinating until they are clearer which way to move forward following Supreme court ruling Nov 25th? I received this letter today from co-op bank. (Just to recap, the situ in brief is that I applied for reclaim my bank charges to the tune of £5,000- 6 years of charges from 2001-2007) prior to supreme court ruling, under Hardship guidelines. I submitted I/E and all relevent documentary evidence to support hardship (ie proof of receipt of state benefits/disability, proof of mounting utility bills and threats of disconnection as unable to make payments, the banks own pre court warning and DCA action, TV licence, proof of single parent status, basic bank account (even that got closed down!) etc etc. Bank have been to-ing and fro-ing a bit until about a week or so before the supreme court ruling when a letter from them asking for further proof specifically, benefits, rent, utilities then on receipt of which they 'may be able to help my financial situ'. (I took this as sounding positive..) then D-Day came. Nothing from the bank from then until today. (BTW all documents I've sent have proof of posting and proof of the bank having signed for their delivery and hence, receipt.)
The bank have neither actually affirmed, nor disputed my status as being 'in hardship', but merely made reference to the fact that I have 'mentioned' (Doh!).
So, here's todays offering from Co-op smile and my ongoing and now protracted, case....
... ' Thank you for your complaint which was received 26 October 2009. I am sorry to learn of your dissatisfaction.
Your concerns will be investigated by a case handler in this department and the outcome will be sent to you in writing as soon as possible. Please be aware that it may be neccessary for the individual who will deal with your complaint to contact you if further information is needed to investigate the matters you have raised.
Please find enclosed for your information details of our complaints handling procedures and timescales within which are required, under the FSA, to answer your complaint. In the meantime please accept my apologies for the inconveniences you have been caused,
Mr.... Customer Feedback Advisor
This is the now the third time they have sent me these 'guidelines' headed 'We want our service to be 100%
We aim to provide customers with consistent high quality good value service so if we have let you down, please tell us
we will deal with complaints quickly and thoroughly as possible
If we have written to you or a member of staff is already dealing with you, you can make contact with them by letter or telephone
If you are not already in contact with a member of staff you can either telephone customer services
Mortgage services
write to customer services manager
Call into a local branch and speak with a manager or personal advisor
Your complaint is regarded as closed if we do not hear from you within 8 weeks of our response
The next steps
in majority of cases complaints can be resolved to everyones satisfaction, however if this is not the case your complaint can be escalated in line with the banks internal complaint procedure
If you are still unhappy, the Ombudsman or if 8 weeks have passed since you first raised the issue with us.
With ref to my own case and these guidelines, I'm not even sure now at which stage if any, my 'complaint' is at.
Contrary to their mention of my letter dated October 26th, I did actually request my case be looked at under hardship back in mid august 09 originally (when I first found out that I could do this whilst the stay was in place)
I have never received a letter with the same person's name at the bottom of it, more than one time. ie. different employee each time I've had any response from the bank.
I've sent proof of I/E twice and have yet to have any affirmation from the bank agreeing that my status falls under 'hardship' (conversely, nor has this been disputed either)
Throughout the whole time, the DCA has been harassing/haranguing/threatening court action/further charges/bailiffs etc etc. originally by letter and phonecalls until the day of SC ruling; 4 hours after came first door step call.
now this letter today which comes a customer feedback dept. Previous correspondance has come from 'Managed Accounts' (4th Dec- the most positive sounding one, which asked for proof and said they may be able to help...)
Customer feedback 29 Oct - acknowledged receipt of complaint (again) and gave the yadayada about OFT case etc
Oct 7 a Team 105 and more about OFT case and sending my requested schedule of charges (requested approx 8-10 weeks earlier and I sent ten pounds p/order to pre-empt any stalling/delays... they did not keep within the 40 day deadline) so thats pretty much it to date. each of these letter have been sent with banks guidelines on 'We want our service to be 100%'
Is it just me, or am I being unfair in thinking the bank are simply paying lip service and are just going around in circles not actually getting any further forward with this and don't seem to have any coherant plan or timeline here? What now? Shall I continue to wait and hope that the QC whom MSE and LB have got working on the new templates/looking into new legal arguments etc, has something we can use? I'm thinking the latter is the best way; patience being the better part of valour and all that... (however the saying goes...?)
Do sometimes feel bamboozled by all the legal wording and policies which where the bank is concerned, seem to say an awful lot about an awful little...
input/thoughts/advice very much appreciated peeps :santa3::santa2:
Thanks in advance everybody... especially if you've managed to read through to this far of my own 'war and peace ;-)) your patience and tenacity is greatly appreciated my friends.
Hugs and best wishes,
not sure what to make of this really; ie do I take it at face value? Or is it the banks way of procrastinating until they are clearer which way to move forward following Supreme court ruling Nov 25th? I received this letter today from co-op bank. (Just to recap, the situ in brief is that I applied for reclaim my bank charges to the tune of £5,000- 6 years of charges from 2001-2007) prior to supreme court ruling, under Hardship guidelines. I submitted I/E and all relevent documentary evidence to support hardship (ie proof of receipt of state benefits/disability, proof of mounting utility bills and threats of disconnection as unable to make payments, the banks own pre court warning and DCA action, TV licence, proof of single parent status, basic bank account (even that got closed down!) etc etc. Bank have been to-ing and fro-ing a bit until about a week or so before the supreme court ruling when a letter from them asking for further proof specifically, benefits, rent, utilities then on receipt of which they 'may be able to help my financial situ'. (I took this as sounding positive..) then D-Day came. Nothing from the bank from then until today. (BTW all documents I've sent have proof of posting and proof of the bank having signed for their delivery and hence, receipt.)
The bank have neither actually affirmed, nor disputed my status as being 'in hardship', but merely made reference to the fact that I have 'mentioned' (Doh!).
So, here's todays offering from Co-op smile and my ongoing and now protracted, case....
... ' Thank you for your complaint which was received 26 October 2009. I am sorry to learn of your dissatisfaction.
Your concerns will be investigated by a case handler in this department and the outcome will be sent to you in writing as soon as possible. Please be aware that it may be neccessary for the individual who will deal with your complaint to contact you if further information is needed to investigate the matters you have raised.
Please find enclosed for your information details of our complaints handling procedures and timescales within which are required, under the FSA, to answer your complaint. In the meantime please accept my apologies for the inconveniences you have been caused,
Mr.... Customer Feedback Advisor
This is the now the third time they have sent me these 'guidelines' headed 'We want our service to be 100%
We aim to provide customers with consistent high quality good value service so if we have let you down, please tell us
we will deal with complaints quickly and thoroughly as possible
If we have written to you or a member of staff is already dealing with you, you can make contact with them by letter or telephone
If you are not already in contact with a member of staff you can either telephone customer services
Mortgage services
write to customer services manager
Call into a local branch and speak with a manager or personal advisor
Your complaint is regarded as closed if we do not hear from you within 8 weeks of our response
The next steps
in majority of cases complaints can be resolved to everyones satisfaction, however if this is not the case your complaint can be escalated in line with the banks internal complaint procedure
If you are still unhappy, the Ombudsman or if 8 weeks have passed since you first raised the issue with us.
With ref to my own case and these guidelines, I'm not even sure now at which stage if any, my 'complaint' is at.
Contrary to their mention of my letter dated October 26th, I did actually request my case be looked at under hardship back in mid august 09 originally (when I first found out that I could do this whilst the stay was in place)
I have never received a letter with the same person's name at the bottom of it, more than one time. ie. different employee each time I've had any response from the bank.
I've sent proof of I/E twice and have yet to have any affirmation from the bank agreeing that my status falls under 'hardship' (conversely, nor has this been disputed either)
Throughout the whole time, the DCA has been harassing/haranguing/threatening court action/further charges/bailiffs etc etc. originally by letter and phonecalls until the day of SC ruling; 4 hours after came first door step call.
now this letter today which comes a customer feedback dept. Previous correspondance has come from 'Managed Accounts' (4th Dec- the most positive sounding one, which asked for proof and said they may be able to help...)
Customer feedback 29 Oct - acknowledged receipt of complaint (again) and gave the yadayada about OFT case etc
Oct 7 a Team 105 and more about OFT case and sending my requested schedule of charges (requested approx 8-10 weeks earlier and I sent ten pounds p/order to pre-empt any stalling/delays... they did not keep within the 40 day deadline) so thats pretty much it to date. each of these letter have been sent with banks guidelines on 'We want our service to be 100%'
Is it just me, or am I being unfair in thinking the bank are simply paying lip service and are just going around in circles not actually getting any further forward with this and don't seem to have any coherant plan or timeline here? What now? Shall I continue to wait and hope that the QC whom MSE and LB have got working on the new templates/looking into new legal arguments etc, has something we can use? I'm thinking the latter is the best way; patience being the better part of valour and all that... (however the saying goes...?)
Do sometimes feel bamboozled by all the legal wording and policies which where the bank is concerned, seem to say an awful lot about an awful little...
input/thoughts/advice very much appreciated peeps :santa3::santa2:
Thanks in advance everybody... especially if you've managed to read through to this far of my own 'war and peace ;-)) your patience and tenacity is greatly appreciated my friends.
Hugs and best wishes,