Marstons baliffs came on Tuesday with a warrant ive paid 200 which ive borrowed as im on benefits and they are due back tomorrow at 12 for the other 474.88 but there is no way i can pay it they said if i dont pay then pack a bag so they can call arrest team and tack me to court in Warwick i live in Wolverhampton im in tears i dont nonwhat else i can do ive got no one please help
marstons bailiffs
Re: marstons bailiffs
Take a look at this from the citizens advice bureau... it will help maybe get a better insight, and a nice mannered phone call to the bailiff in question also might slow things down a little...
When bailiffs are involved in priority debts their powers are different of that of non-priority debts...
- 1 thank
Re: marstons bailiffs
When you were fined were you means tested & did you attend Court? I'm assuming you knew about this? With Magistrates Court Fines the Warrant the Bailiff has gives him the power to force entry to your home. The threat of arrest is usually just that - a threat - 9 times out of 10 you would have to attend Court to explain why you have not paid.
At present you will owe whatever was outstanding on your fine + £75 for the Notice of Enforcement you would have been sent + if they have now made a visit another £235.
- 1 thank
Re: marstons bailiffs
i would like to correct you on this tried and this morning, the court as not give them the power to force entry they have been given the power to enter, and only if you let them in, that is why they wont show you a warrant, i offered him a payment outside my house this morning he would not take, it,
i said show me your warrant all on i pads now he said youve seen,it, so i said to him lets make this clear so we both understand you will not be leaving today with £600 ok. now whats my option i get a locksmith ok crack on, i said lets set the scene locksmiths, police and you in my house you still will not be leaving with £600 out of my pocket, started is van and drove off, there all full of threats stand up to the scum bags.
Re: marstons bailiffs
hi everyone.
they are a private company, the baliffs are self employed rent there vans put there own diesel pay there own tax, and get 33% comission that is why they try and bully you into paying the full amount if you havent got it and charges added only one way to resolve it , will be to accept a payment plan.
Re: marstons bailiffs
hi everyone
todays event as not been a good one for a certain marston baliff, clamped my van illegally , made to take off the clamp,again cannot show a warrant signed by the courts,
three police cars four police officers , im arressted for alledged assault , his claim of assault is a bear hugbut i suffered a facial injury,its now under investigation, and all for not having tv licence. hello
Re: marstons bailiffs
the plot thickens, phoned marstons this morning requesting a copy of the alledged warrant, fobbed off with lies wont give me one, phoned the courts where the warrant was alledgially granted fobbed off with lies, and telling me that i need to send in a sar request, at the cost of £10.00.
to receive a copy ,of the warrant, what is going on out , bully baliffs , fake warrants, bulk centres and not real courts , and fraudulant paper work.
Re: marstons bailiffs
It would be a good idea if you started a new thread about this problem.
Just so that you know, a bailiff enforcing a Magistrates Court fine does indeed have the right to use forced entry. A locksmith would be allowed in these circumstances. The regulations are very specific on this point.
Secondly, the enforcement agent is not under an obligation to show you a copy of HIS warrant. The warrant is actually addressed to him (and not to you). Your notion that the warrant is 'fake' is also incorrect.
If you could start a new thread, that would be very useful.
- 1 thank
Re: marstons bailiffs
Milo Sorry but you are giving out wrong information
Paragraph 26 of Schedule 12 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement's Act 2007 states;(1)The enforcement agent must on request show the debtor and any person who appears to him to be in charge of the premises evidence of—When a bailiff failed to show evidence of his authority to enter premises when demanded by debtor (or person in authority of the premises being attended), then he is in breach of paragraph 26(1)(b) of the Schedule 12 procedure. That means everything that follows is invalid and a debtor can sue for damages and recover all goods or vehicle taken. Paragraph 66 of Schedule 12 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement's Act 2007 states;(a)his identity, and(2)The request may be made before the enforcement agent enters the premises or while he is there.
(b)his authority to enter the premises.
66(1)This paragraph applies where an enforcement agent—(2)The breach or defect does not make the enforcement agent, or a person he is acting for, a trespasser.
(a)breaches a provision of this Schedule, or
(b)acts under an enforcement power under a writ, warrant, liability order or other instrument that is defective.
(3)But the debtor may bring proceedings under this paragraph.
Video everything this makes the enforcement agent either comply with the rules / law or risk being liable
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