Im currently dealing with a claim by RLP
I was 'caught shoplifting' and allegedly took something with a value of £57
They've sent me a letter requesting a fine of £157
I've sent them an email saying their claim is unlawful and requesting they make known any evidence against me as sugested in a post I read on this forum.
I am of no fixed address, Im a traveller, a nomad if you will.
I'm english but in this country rarely, and though they have my parents address, I would say, i'm difficult to find by any standards.
So here are my options,
1: pay the fine and its over and done with (its clearly extortionate)
2: Keep up correspondence with them
3: Ignore it and hope it goes away ( this would always usually be my course of action but I worry since its my home country)
Police where not called, so, a few questions, can this become criminal? Can this effect travel visas if i ignore it? Could ignoring it result in being forced to court and ending up with thousands in costs? What action should I take?
Sorry if this post upsets anyone, but boots don't pay their taxes, so....
I was 'caught shoplifting' and allegedly took something with a value of £57
They've sent me a letter requesting a fine of £157
I've sent them an email saying their claim is unlawful and requesting they make known any evidence against me as sugested in a post I read on this forum.
I am of no fixed address, Im a traveller, a nomad if you will.
I'm english but in this country rarely, and though they have my parents address, I would say, i'm difficult to find by any standards.
So here are my options,
1: pay the fine and its over and done with (its clearly extortionate)
2: Keep up correspondence with them
3: Ignore it and hope it goes away ( this would always usually be my course of action but I worry since its my home country)
Police where not called, so, a few questions, can this become criminal? Can this effect travel visas if i ignore it? Could ignoring it result in being forced to court and ending up with thousands in costs? What action should I take?
Sorry if this post upsets anyone, but boots don't pay their taxes, so....