Hi all,
Hope somebody can help me.
My father was introduced to Heywood finance in 2007. Heywood finance introduced my dad to Lancashire.
Prior to this my dad had a portfolio of properties , his home which did have a mortgage , a thriving business and was stressed yes but still happy. The loan still owing on the properties was with Natwest but money troubles over the yr meant adverse credit score!
Consequently, on his largest purchase he was eager to do business with this Lancashire as he didn't think he could raise the money at all.
That was 2008.
The total borrowed was 600k
The total value of all though was 1.3mil so a fair bit of equity.
They wanted to secure the loan on all the properties inc the family home by way of a second charge.
By 2014 my father had lost every property , lost his business, his car even!!! And after building something from nothing , aged 56 he wound up living alone in sheltered accommodation with no car, no money and little in the fridge!
How has this been allowed to happen?
As an example I did quick calculations at the start and I will never forget the initial shock! Over one year , with no defaulting he relayed a grand total of 86k to Lancashire. This large sum reduced the overall debt by.......
YES! Five thousand pounds! Meaning 81thousand was interest alone!
I have sent the SAR, received the huge folder now and have spent a month going through it in disbelief.
There is not one completed income and expenditure app form in with the paperwork! There are a few completely blank ones.
There is telephone charges of 35.00 everywhere, despite notes which read, SMS sent etc etc so not a telephone call at all.
Worse still is these charges are titled as monarch recoveries who I believe are an in-house company and where brought up in the FSA 's findings when investigating Cheshire mortgage corp (sister company)
The contract states its made under CCA law and English law.
I know I will need a professional with this but I'm just trying to understand it a bit better first. , as to what direction is best from here.
I can't afford huge solicitor costs so I need to do what I can myself.
Any ideas on a plan of action would be very much appreciated x x
Hope somebody can help me.
My father was introduced to Heywood finance in 2007. Heywood finance introduced my dad to Lancashire.
Prior to this my dad had a portfolio of properties , his home which did have a mortgage , a thriving business and was stressed yes but still happy. The loan still owing on the properties was with Natwest but money troubles over the yr meant adverse credit score!
Consequently, on his largest purchase he was eager to do business with this Lancashire as he didn't think he could raise the money at all.
That was 2008.
The total borrowed was 600k
The total value of all though was 1.3mil so a fair bit of equity.
They wanted to secure the loan on all the properties inc the family home by way of a second charge.
By 2014 my father had lost every property , lost his business, his car even!!! And after building something from nothing , aged 56 he wound up living alone in sheltered accommodation with no car, no money and little in the fridge!
How has this been allowed to happen?
As an example I did quick calculations at the start and I will never forget the initial shock! Over one year , with no defaulting he relayed a grand total of 86k to Lancashire. This large sum reduced the overall debt by.......
YES! Five thousand pounds! Meaning 81thousand was interest alone!
I have sent the SAR, received the huge folder now and have spent a month going through it in disbelief.
There is not one completed income and expenditure app form in with the paperwork! There are a few completely blank ones.
There is telephone charges of 35.00 everywhere, despite notes which read, SMS sent etc etc so not a telephone call at all.
Worse still is these charges are titled as monarch recoveries who I believe are an in-house company and where brought up in the FSA 's findings when investigating Cheshire mortgage corp (sister company)
The contract states its made under CCA law and English law.
I know I will need a professional with this but I'm just trying to understand it a bit better first. , as to what direction is best from here.
I can't afford huge solicitor costs so I need to do what I can myself.
Any ideas on a plan of action would be very much appreciated x x