I was meant to attend court on 13 March 15 against welcome finance for a debt but failed due to illness. I had notified the court before the hearing. However, the court did not think my reason for non attendance was genuine even though I provided a sick note.They granted a judgement order against me on that day and I appealed and they are still handling my appeal. To my surprise before my appeal has been concluded while the court is still making a decision upon my application for a fee remission, I received a call from an APS courier. He said he had a recorded delivery for me and I asked him from where and he said he didn't know. When I arrived home I found an APS card with no name on it. While I was bathing he knocked on the door and my wife attended him and he refused to hand over the letter to her. When I was going out, he came out of his car and dropped the letter into my gate. When I walked towards the letter he sat in his car and started to take/ record picture/video of me using his smart phone. I told him to stop it and he shouted it's summons, and said you are going to court mate while neighbours looked on. I opened the letter and the order was for me to attend court to explain my means of paying the debt. So is it legal what the courier did to take or record pictures of me at my private property while that appeal is still being processed. Is it also that the court did not notify welcome finance that the judgement order is being appealed against but when I made the appeal I enclosed two N244 forms for both the court and welcome finance.
Thanks in advance for your help guys.
I was meant to attend court on 13 March 15 against welcome finance for a debt but failed due to illness. I had notified the court before the hearing. However, the court did not think my reason for non attendance was genuine even though I provided a sick note.They granted a judgement order against me on that day and I appealed and they are still handling my appeal. To my surprise before my appeal has been concluded while the court is still making a decision upon my application for a fee remission, I received a call from an APS courier. He said he had a recorded delivery for me and I asked him from where and he said he didn't know. When I arrived home I found an APS card with no name on it. While I was bathing he knocked on the door and my wife attended him and he refused to hand over the letter to her. When I was going out, he came out of his car and dropped the letter into my gate. When I walked towards the letter he sat in his car and started to take/ record picture/video of me using his smart phone. I told him to stop it and he shouted it's summons, and said you are going to court mate while neighbours looked on. I opened the letter and the order was for me to attend court to explain my means of paying the debt. So is it legal what the courier did to take or record pictures of me at my private property while that appeal is still being processed. Is it also that the court did not notify welcome finance that the judgement order is being appealed against but when I made the appeal I enclosed two N244 forms for both the court and welcome finance.
Thanks in advance for your help guys.