Hi there-would appreciate a bit of advice on this one please. I took a £5000 loan with GE Money around 17th April 2007.( Date on the copy agreement) A few months later I fell behind with payments and eventually GE sold the debt to CL Finance 1st February 2008. Lewis are the people currently making the collections which were being made through a debt management company. The guy running the debt management company has retired through ill health and I want to try and tackle this myself now. I sent SARS requests GE and Santandaer in December 2009 and received all the documentation okay including a true? copy of the original agreement from both. When one is laid on top of the other they are slightly out of alignment in the signature box-is this normal?-I would have thought EVERYTHING should align correctly if they are true copies? I also sent a request to CL Finance at the same time and the copy agreement they sent is completely different in the signature box. When it is compared to the other two the date and signature are miles out of alignment. To be honest the signature is also slightly different. I have sent a s78 request again to CL to see what the latest copy looks like! Strangely enough this debt was never entered with any of the credit reference agencies- don't know why.
If CL have forged the documentation which appears likely-where do I stand?
If CL have forged the documentation which appears likely-where do I stand?