Would be grateful for advice regarding my legal standing on the following issue. I am currently in receipt of JSA and was unable to attend a couple of mandatory appointments due to instead having to attend hospital for treatment for an ongoing medical condition. At the time my hospital letters were checked, noted and accepted as sufficient reason for non attendance. However due to an admin error these appointments were not logged correctly onto the system and subsequently DWP got involved and I was sanctioned for a month and made to do without near enough £400.
I appealed the decision and the DWP decision maker that I have been lumbered with is claiming that they will need to see an official appointment letter which upon receipt she will be investigating further by contacting the hospital directly and confirming both my attendance to the appointments and to obtain further information with regards to my medical condition. What I would obviously like to know is that legally is she allowed to do either of these and obtain access to my medical records as I thought that I was protected by some sort of confidentiality clause and also that for anyone other than myself to access my records I would need to provide consent? Are DWP exempt from such legalities (because this is the impression I have now been given by said DWP decision maker.....)???
Thanks in advance for any advice and information,
Kindest regards, Jo
Would be grateful for advice regarding my legal standing on the following issue. I am currently in receipt of JSA and was unable to attend a couple of mandatory appointments due to instead having to attend hospital for treatment for an ongoing medical condition. At the time my hospital letters were checked, noted and accepted as sufficient reason for non attendance. However due to an admin error these appointments were not logged correctly onto the system and subsequently DWP got involved and I was sanctioned for a month and made to do without near enough £400.
I appealed the decision and the DWP decision maker that I have been lumbered with is claiming that they will need to see an official appointment letter which upon receipt she will be investigating further by contacting the hospital directly and confirming both my attendance to the appointments and to obtain further information with regards to my medical condition. What I would obviously like to know is that legally is she allowed to do either of these and obtain access to my medical records as I thought that I was protected by some sort of confidentiality clause and also that for anyone other than myself to access my records I would need to provide consent? Are DWP exempt from such legalities (because this is the impression I have now been given by said DWP decision maker.....)???
Thanks in advance for any advice and information,
Kindest regards, Jo