Whilst creating my Debt Management plan and budget I have contacted the various companies explaining that I will be making an offer of payment to them shortly. Also apologising for the fact that I have not responded to their letters as I have had a stay in hospital after a break down and am trying to get my life together but am now living back at my home address. I also asked for all future charges and interest to be froze on the accounts. I have had a response from Simply Be stating that they will place the accounts on hold until the 16th December and if I wanted them to consider removing the recent charges from this account I must send them a doctors letter confirming my hospital stay or an admission / discharge document!! They then assured me that this is a normal request ! I promptly got on the defensive as I feel this is an unwanted intrusion into my private affairs and replied that as I was not requesting they remove recent charges from my account and have accepted these charges in my debt management plan therefore I failed to see what relevance this was to them to request that they intrude upon my private and personal information and want to see part of my medical records. I thanked them for their patience in this matter and said that if I felt it was relevant to the future payments I would be making to them then I would send them any letters or knowledge of appointments that I have with the hospital as I am due for a series of operation to my eyes so if that affected my ability to keep up my payments to them I would let them know and send medical proof if I was too incapacitated to forward the payments. Is this correct though? Can they demand top see medical proof? I feel as if I have crawled from under a stone and am being treated as a sub standard human being. Being in debt is bad enough but to be questioned by a stranger and asked for private medical records is a bit too far an intrusion when I am trying to sort a payment out to them.
Whilst creating my Debt Management plan and budget I have contacted the various companies explaining that I will be making an offer of payment to them shortly. Also apologising for the fact that I have not responded to their letters as I have had a stay in hospital after a break down and am trying to get my life together but am now living back at my home address. I also asked for all future charges and interest to be froze on the accounts. I have had a response from Simply Be stating that they will place the accounts on hold until the 16th December and if I wanted them to consider removing the recent charges from this account I must send them a doctors letter confirming my hospital stay or an admission / discharge document!! They then assured me that this is a normal request ! I promptly got on the defensive as I feel this is an unwanted intrusion into my private affairs and replied that as I was not requesting they remove recent charges from my account and have accepted these charges in my debt management plan therefore I failed to see what relevance this was to them to request that they intrude upon my private and personal information and want to see part of my medical records. I thanked them for their patience in this matter and said that if I felt it was relevant to the future payments I would be making to them then I would send them any letters or knowledge of appointments that I have with the hospital as I am due for a series of operation to my eyes so if that affected my ability to keep up my payments to them I would let them know and send medical proof if I was too incapacitated to forward the payments. Is this correct though? Can they demand top see medical proof? I feel as if I have crawled from under a stone and am being treated as a sub standard human being. Being in debt is bad enough but to be questioned by a stranger and asked for private medical records is a bit too far an intrusion when I am trying to sort a payment out to them.