I have a couple of threads regarding my secured loan with firstplus taken out in 2003 and am also trying to reclaim the PPI which isnt going well, my query on this thread relates to how the loan was sold to us, we had an existing loan with first plus taken out in aug 2003 , in december 2013 we received a phone call from who we believed to be firstplus offering a further advance, we daftly borrowed another 10K so a new loan was set up for £30k plus nearly 8k in PPI added onto it, it was some 3 years later when we first discovered that we had infact taken this loan through Central Trust who were acting as a broker on behalf of firstplus, they were not regulated so the problems with PPI are that FP wont consider as sold through broker, Central Trust not regulated so FOS have no jurisdiction. Like many others of you on here we feel that we have been well and truly stitched up but I am particuarly mad about us being lied to and mislead into believing we were infact dealing with our loan company direct, I am upset that FP passed our details onto Central Trust and that they then mislead and lied to us to get our business when both of them gained very nicely financially and FP will do for another 15 years (25 year term on loan) Neither of them seem to have any conscience about how they have treated us and I wondered if you had any advice on if they actually broke any rules/regs by selling us this loan under false pretences ?? I have found part of our credit agreement which explains how our info can be used and it states as follows::
The only time we ill disclose info about you are set out below:
1 Where we have your consent
2 If it is in the public interest to do so
3 Where we are required to do so by law
4 To our agents and others working on our behalf
5 To obtain quotes from providers of insurance on an ongoing basis
We will use and share information:
1 To administer your account
2 to prevent fraudulent activity or for debt recovery
3 For customer surveys
4 for management reporting
5 to help us build a picture of you for credit/insurance assessment and marketing purpose
I dont read above anywhere that it say we can pass to agents to contact you on our behalf and sell you other products !! Surely any brokers/agents working on their behalf should identify themselves as such ??
We have been stitched up a kipper by this company and I am so frustrated that there is nothing I can do about it
thanks so much for all your help
The only time we ill disclose info about you are set out below:
1 Where we have your consent
2 If it is in the public interest to do so
3 Where we are required to do so by law
4 To our agents and others working on our behalf
5 To obtain quotes from providers of insurance on an ongoing basis
We will use and share information:
1 To administer your account
2 to prevent fraudulent activity or for debt recovery
3 For customer surveys
4 for management reporting
5 to help us build a picture of you for credit/insurance assessment and marketing purpose
I dont read above anywhere that it say we can pass to agents to contact you on our behalf and sell you other products !! Surely any brokers/agents working on their behalf should identify themselves as such ??
We have been stitched up a kipper by this company and I am so frustrated that there is nothing I can do about it
thanks so much for all your help