Well this really extracts the urine !!!
I took out a small loan with these jokers a few years back.
The whole PPI debacle kicked off and I spend a year getting them to schedule the loan without the worthless PPI.
Things have been ticking along for a while when out of the blue I received an official "notice of arrears".
Now as I was marginally overpaying this debt after the reschedule I found this rather off.
So requested a full statement of account, which took several months to arrive as I had to chase it.
On close examination it appears that have have indeed completely repaid this loan, in fact I have OVER paid by several hundred squids.
Interesting, thought I and duly cancelled my standing order and fired off a request for repayment of said over payment.
Heard nowt, not really surprised as it was over Xmas and all that.
Jan rolled round as did the occasional phone call and txt wondering where my payment is.
Clearly they had "mislaid" my letter so another copy was sent forthwith.
Still waiting for any sort of reasoned response, but low a missive arrived this very morning.
I ROFLMAO'd hearty.
Now why have they passed this directly to Mucky Hall without first going through the normal demands and defaults rigmarole....
Let the real fun commence, or not...
I took out a small loan with these jokers a few years back.
The whole PPI debacle kicked off and I spend a year getting them to schedule the loan without the worthless PPI.
Things have been ticking along for a while when out of the blue I received an official "notice of arrears".
Now as I was marginally overpaying this debt after the reschedule I found this rather off.
So requested a full statement of account, which took several months to arrive as I had to chase it.
On close examination it appears that have have indeed completely repaid this loan, in fact I have OVER paid by several hundred squids.
Interesting, thought I and duly cancelled my standing order and fired off a request for repayment of said over payment.
Heard nowt, not really surprised as it was over Xmas and all that.
Jan rolled round as did the occasional phone call and txt wondering where my payment is.
Clearly they had "mislaid" my letter so another copy was sent forthwith.
Still waiting for any sort of reasoned response, but low a missive arrived this very morning.
Originally posted by Black Horse Bovine Excrement
Now why have they passed this directly to Mucky Hall without first going through the normal demands and defaults rigmarole....
Let the real fun commence, or not...