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Best way to deal with Lowell and capquest

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  • Best way to deal with Lowell and capquest

    I had a capital one credit card and a Vanquis credit card that I was struggling to pay so agreed with both credit cards to pay a reduced monthly payment but they were recently both sold to Lowell and capquest, I did send a cca request and they have both come back with them so I have been paying a monthly payment to them (although I haven’t spoken to with of them). One of the debts is only £400 so I can probably clear that but the other is £1,500, do I have any other letters I can send them or if there a chance I can negotiate the smaller debt down to pay off?.

    also Lowell had a debt of mine from 9 years ago that they have started sending letters for, it did start going to court but I asked for the original credit agreement that they never came up with, I remember ringing the court who told me it was passed the date for Lowell to get in touch and to forget about it.

    the only thing showing on my credit report is the Lowell £400 Vanquis debt.

    any help would be much appreciated as it’s giving me anxiety
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  • #2

    In respect of the debt that's 9 years old, there's a useful letter here you can send, hopefully you've already had the assistance you need though?

    Statute Barred Example Letter Help and support with all issues related to finances. If you'd like information on sources of free, regulated, debt help and advice you can visit the


    • #3

      Start with really low offers that you are comfortable with i.e. 5% of the debt.



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