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Barclaycard closed account

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Alacoque View Post
    The letter received from Barclaycard 'stating ’since we haven’t been able to discuss a repayment solution with you, we’ll be transferring management over to a ‘DCA’ this week’. If I’d like to prevent the transfer then I should call them within 7 days and ‘we’ll do what we can to help’.

    The letter arrived NINE days after the date on the letter, making it impossible to call within the 7 day deadline. I spoke to a rude and unhelpful person on the phone number provided as soon as possible, only to be told the account had been passed to the DCA and he refused to discuss the matter further. Completely irrational. He insisted on filing a complaint, though he refused to read the complaint back to me.

    The following day, I received a letter from ‘level1helpdesk’, courteous but again complaining they cannot reach me on the phone. I had answered an 0800 call earlier but the line was dead when I answered. The email apologises for ‘unfortunately referring the account’ - it doesn’t address the fact that the letter arrived too late for me to call them and avoid the account being sent to the DCA. They then offer £50 for the distress and inconvenience caused!

    The email continues...'Please can I ask that you confirm receipt and understanding of this email, along with agreement of any actions to be taken. Once received I will send you a letter confirming the complaint reference number and details of the Financial Ombudsman Service. Additionally can you also please be aware if we are unable to contact you by 5pm, your complaint will be escalated to our Customer Relations team, who will be in contact in due course.’

    Giving me 5 hours to reply. Ridiculous deadline, more pressure.

    I emailed and asked for an extension, I needed time to read the email properly. And I asked for a phone number to call them on. No reply. I then emailed again, going through how unfairly I had been treated, quoting from the relevant FCA BCOBs’s clause and asking that the account be withdrawn from the DCA. Nothing back.

    I don’t understand how Barclaycard can offer compensation payments (this is one of many) without admitting they’ve behaved incorrectly.

    And I'm being bombarded by the DCA - calls, texts, letters. Am I able to write to them and request that they only contact me by post?

    Send the following, give them examples, keep a diary, make sure you get Proof of Postage.



    • #17
      Great letter, thank so much ECHAT11. Will do!!


      • #18
        Sent a letter to Barclaycard, outlining why I believe I have been treated unfairly. I received a snotty rebuttal in reply, using corporate jargon like they ‘will not support’ my various claims. Though they do 'understand and appreciate there have been failings on behalf of the business in terms of the servicing issues as discussed within the above complaint reference….’

        I want to pay off the balance of the account now but Barclays won’t accept payment. The account is now with Wescott. I asked if the account had been sold to Wescott. Of course, I couldn’t get a straight answer. Just curious if it’s similar to consumer debt, where debt is sold off to a DCA for a lower figure and they continue to try to collect the whole amount?

        And one more example of Barclaycard’s charm - their final sentence: 'If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances.’



        • #19
          a) Sent a letter to Barclaycard, outlining why I believe I have been treated unfairly. I received a snotty rebuttal in reply, using corporate jargon like they ‘will not support’ my various claims. Though they do 'understand and appreciate there have been failings on behalf of the business in terms of the servicing issues as discussed within the above complaint reference….’

          You could now refer the matter to the Ombudsman, but wait and see what develops with Wescott.

          b)I want to pay off the balance of the account now but Barclays won’t accept payment. The account is now with Wescott. I asked if the account had been sold to Wescott. Of course, I couldn’t get a straight answer. Just curious if it’s similar to consumer debt, where debt is sold off to a DCA for a lower figure and they continue to try to collect the whole amount?

          Wescott are just a DCA, you might start getting offers to settle the debt.

          c) And one more example of Barclaycard’s charm - their final sentence: 'If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances.’

          That's just standard, but annoying.


          • #20
            As ever, thanks ECHAT11. My business current account is with Barclays so I wonder if Wescott will actually start making reduced offers to settle the debt. Will post as and when......


            • #21
              As Echat11 predicted, Wescott has sent a letter……

              ’…our client has agreed we can offer you a discount to settle your account. …..could significantly reduce the overall repayment….to satisfy the balance owed. This provides an excellent opportunity to resolve the matter.

              Please contact us if you wish to take up the settlement offer or discuss alternative options……your credit file will be updated to reflect that this account has been ‘partially settled’. This information will remain on your credit file for 6 years from the date of the default….

              Blah blah about other arrangements…

              if you choose not to…..our client has instructed us to continue seeking recover of the full balance which may include contact via telephone calls SMS and letters.’

              I haven’t called them yet, need some advice first. Is this for real - will they really come to a significant drop in the amount to settle? If I completely settle the debt, will it make a difference on my credit file? Actually, do they mean MY credit file or the company’s? Can they still threaten to call and SSMS me even though I’ve asked in writing to only contact me via post?

              As ever, huge thanks in advance….


              • #22
                I haven't called them yet, need some advice first. Is this for real - will they really come to a significant drop in the amount to settle? If I completely settle the debt, will it make a difference on my credit file?

                Don't contact them by phone, only send 'Without Prejudice' (make sure that is written on the letter) offer letters. They bought the debt for pennies. So you could offer 5% - 10% see what they say - your Credit report will state 'partially settled'. Pay the full amount, it would be marked 'settled'. That's one to ask the Credit Reference Agencies, give them a call.

                Actually, do they mean MY credit file or the company's?

                Your Credit file.

                Can they still threaten to call and SSMS me even though I've asked in writing to only contact me via post?

                Write to them, tell them you will lodge complaints with Trading Standards and the Financial Conduct Authority.


                • #23
                  Thanks so much.....writing the letter now


                  • #24
                    I offered roughly 5% of the balance in a letter.

                    Wescot has written back, counter proposing half of the total amount due.

                    Then they say they can ‘refer’ my original offer but this would require an I & E breakdown. If the funds are from the business, they’ve attached a form to declare assets and liability and I & E.
                    If from personal, they want an I & E from me.

                    They’ve placed the account on hold for 3 weeks. If I don’t reply. ‘collections activity will resume and contact will restart’.

                    I’d be grateful for any advice on my next move……many thanks.


                    • #25
                      And, if asked, are Wescot obliged to reveal how much they bought the debt for?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Alacoque View Post
                        I offered roughly 5% of the balance in a letter.

                        Wescot has written back, counter proposing half of the total amount due.

                        Then they say they can ‘refer’ my original offer but this would require an I & E breakdown. If the funds are from the business, they’ve attached a form to declare assets and liability and I & E.
                        If from personal, they want an I & E from me.

                        They’ve placed the account on hold for 3 weeks. If I don’t reply. ‘collections activity will resume and contact will restart’.

                        I’d be grateful for any advice on my next move……many thanks.
                        What you could do is fill in a personal income and expenditure form, take into account the 'cost of living' crisis, i.e. energy, food etc. Give yourself a buffer, just in case things go up considerably. Because they haven't 'batted' the offer out of hand, is a plus.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Alacoque View Post
                          And, if asked, are Wescot obliged to reveal how much they bought the debt for?
                          They won't tell you for commercial reasons.


                          • #28
                            Thanks so much for the advice ECHAT11!


                            • #29
                              I’m in the midst of completing an I & E form and would love some advice.

                              My income is the state pension. I live with my husband in a house that we own outright. He takes care of utilities, insurance, maintenance etc. My pension covers food and personal expenses (clothing, etc.). I clearly don’t want to drag my husband in to all this, i.e., don't want to mention he takes care of most things.

                              Most of the line items on the I & E form reference things that I am not responsible for. Will leaving them blank trigger more questions from the DCA?

                              Thanks so much in advance.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Alacoque View Post
                                I’m in the midst of completing an I & E form and would love some advice.

                                My income is the state pension. I live with my husband in a house that we own outright. He takes care of utilities, insurance, maintenance etc. My pension covers food and personal expenses (clothing, etc.). I clearly don’t want to drag my husband in to all this, i.e., don't want to mention he takes care of most things.

                                Most of the line items on the I & E form reference things that I am not responsible for. Will leaving them blank trigger more questions from the DCA?

                                Thanks so much in advance.
                                Does the following help?



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