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Resolve Call help please!

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  • Resolve Call help please!

    I had Resolve Call knock at my door, I didn't answer but they spoke to my neighbour giving my name and asking who lives at the property I'm so embarrassed by it! It's to do with a SSE debt that has been passed to them, I don't think it is statue barred is there anything I can do to stop them coming to my house again? Any help greatly appreciated.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Firstly, they are in breach of Data Protection Principles if they disclosed your name, address and there reason for visiting or also who they work for.

    If that is the case, write a formal complaint to Resolve Call. explain what happened, why it's wrong (data protection) and what you want them to do (compensate you).

    Send the following, make sure you get Proof of Postage -


    If you have reason to complain (data protection), you could just incorporate the complaint with the 'stay away' template.


    • #3
      I have sent this off this morning what is there likely response obviously they are still going to keep pursuing the debt is there anything else I can do?


      • #4
        Just update the thread if they make further contact.

        Even if the debt was statute barred they are entitled to chase the debt, although they would be foolish to do so, as they can't use the Courts to collect the debt.


        • #5
          Originally posted by VanessaL15 View Post
          I have sent this off this morning what is there likely response obviously they are still going to keep pursuing the debt is there anything else I can do?
          Is there an update on this?


          • #6
            I have now received a claim form in relation to this debt it had been passed on again to JC international Acquisition please can anyone suggest what I should do next?


            • #7
              Originally posted by VanessaL15 View Post
              I have now received a claim form in relation to this debt it had been passed on again to JC international Acquisition please can anyone suggest what I should do next?
              Fill in the following, copy / paste back onto this thread, make sure you acknowledge service of the debt, you can do this via MCOL-:

              Received a claim? Yes/No:
              Issue Date:
              Have you Acknowledged the Claim?:
              Total Amount Claimed : ( approximately please do NOT use EXACT figure given on the claim form, round up to next £100 or £1000)
              Claimant’s Name:
              Solicitors Firm:
              Original Creditor:
              Original Debt (eg. Credit card/Loan/Overdraft) :
              Particulars of Claim: ( Please type out in full excluding names/account numbers/exact amounts ):
              Is the debt Statute Barred (have you had any contact with the creditor or claimant over the last 6 years?):
              List any letters you have sent (eg: CCA/ CPR ):
              Any Other Information or Background Details:


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