not it sure if this is the right place to post. When I was 18 I got myself in loads of debt and I lost my job and couldn’t pay it back. Fast forward a couple of years and I had ignored my debt (how wrong I know!) however just before the 6 year mark a debt collection agency took me to court for an old overdraft account. With the help of this site I set up a tomlin order and settled before it went to court. His was the only creditor to take me to court and I didn’t hear from any other creditors. Fast forward a few more years and I am still paying my Tomlin order, however my partner is in the position to apply for a mortgage and he wants me to apply with him for the purposes of using both our incomes. The question I have is how does my statuses barred debt come into it? Will mortgage companies see this ? Do I have to declare it? Also when I left my parents home in lost of debt they took me off the electricol roll and I never joined back up in my current address. (Naughty I know) but at the time I didn’t tell my partner the extent of my debt and to be honest I forgot to join back up. I know that I will need to join the electrol roll for the mortgage but how will this affect my old debt? Will creditors come out of the wood work? Will it look bad that I haven’t been on the roll for many years. I appreciate any help in this. I feel like I’m letting my partner down if we cannot get a mortgage hecause of my stupid 18 year old self. Thankyou
not it sure if this is the right place to post. When I was 18 I got myself in loads of debt and I lost my job and couldn’t pay it back. Fast forward a couple of years and I had ignored my debt (how wrong I know!) however just before the 6 year mark a debt collection agency took me to court for an old overdraft account. With the help of this site I set up a tomlin order and settled before it went to court. His was the only creditor to take me to court and I didn’t hear from any other creditors. Fast forward a few more years and I am still paying my Tomlin order, however my partner is in the position to apply for a mortgage and he wants me to apply with him for the purposes of using both our incomes. The question I have is how does my statuses barred debt come into it? Will mortgage companies see this ? Do I have to declare it? Also when I left my parents home in lost of debt they took me off the electricol roll and I never joined back up in my current address. (Naughty I know) but at the time I didn’t tell my partner the extent of my debt and to be honest I forgot to join back up. I know that I will need to join the electrol roll for the mortgage but how will this affect my old debt? Will creditors come out of the wood work? Will it look bad that I haven’t been on the roll for many years. I appreciate any help in this. I feel like I’m letting my partner down if we cannot get a mortgage hecause of my stupid 18 year old self. Thankyou