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DMP default dates

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  • coptordoctor
    started a topic DMP default dates

    DMP default dates

    Hi there, just a quick one here....i took out a DMP in 2011 as i was drowning in debt from my divorce, the DMP was foolishly taken out with Baines and Ernst and they dealt with the 5 problem accounts i had.
    Out of the 5 accounts, all have since been cleared, however defaults were raised on all 5 due to the DMP.
    The problem i have is whilst the nat west credit card and sainsburys bank loans have the default set at the correct time (early 2011) the 2 nat west loans and nat west current account have the defaults set much later (aug 2015, when they were settled).
    Surely this is incorrect, and this will ensure i have to have an awful CR for another 4 years, instead of a year.

    Any thoughts greatly received.
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  • Debt Camel
    Re: DMP default dates

    This article looks at how to ask for default dates to be corrected: https://debtcamel.co.uk/debt-default-date/

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  • Kati
    Re: DMP default dates

    tagging [MENTION=48934]Debt Camel[/MENTION] for advice xx

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