Started a new tenancy in Jan 2016. Moved in properly from Feb 2016 and registered with British Gas at this time, when we gave them our meter reading. Extra Energy are claiming £290 odd for Jan and have passed to Credit Style Ltd, a debt collection company.
I have never had an agreement with Extra Energy. Their nominated debt collection company, Credit Style Ltd, have written to me requesting payment for £290 odd stating, "regarding your paid agreement which has an outstanding balance of...". There has never been an agreement between myself and Extra Energy - only an agreement with British Gas from February 2016.
Until this year, I wasn't on the electoral roll and only then Extra Energy have started writing to me by name, claiming I owe this amount. In fact, in the first letter they addressed to me, they state that, "We've tried to contact you a number of occasions..."
I had a telephone conversation with Extra Energy and explained I do not owe them any money, however, they're not having it.
I've looked at my energy usage on my British Gas account and to use the amount of energy being claimed by Extra Energy, it would take me approximately 3-4 months!! Also, I have confirmation from British Gas of the incoming meter readings I provided when I joined them and the final meter readings from my previous property. I have never received a bill from Extra Energy, only from British Gas. I believe Extra Energy supplied the previous occupants.
Please can someone provide some advice on how best to deal with this, so that these companies stop hassling me.
Thank you
I have never had an agreement with Extra Energy. Their nominated debt collection company, Credit Style Ltd, have written to me requesting payment for £290 odd stating, "regarding your paid agreement which has an outstanding balance of...". There has never been an agreement between myself and Extra Energy - only an agreement with British Gas from February 2016.
Until this year, I wasn't on the electoral roll and only then Extra Energy have started writing to me by name, claiming I owe this amount. In fact, in the first letter they addressed to me, they state that, "We've tried to contact you a number of occasions..."
I had a telephone conversation with Extra Energy and explained I do not owe them any money, however, they're not having it.
I've looked at my energy usage on my British Gas account and to use the amount of energy being claimed by Extra Energy, it would take me approximately 3-4 months!! Also, I have confirmation from British Gas of the incoming meter readings I provided when I joined them and the final meter readings from my previous property. I have never received a bill from Extra Energy, only from British Gas. I believe Extra Energy supplied the previous occupants.
- Is the onus on Extra Energy/Credit Style Ltd agency to provide me with proof of an agreement to enable them to collect this money?
- If they are unable to provide me with proof of an agreement, can this be used to stop them harassing me?
- Who should I communicate with - Extra Energy or Credit Style Ltd? I do not want my credit record to be affected by this.
- Most importantly, what course of action should I take to shut this down and stop them chasing me?
Please can someone provide some advice on how best to deal with this, so that these companies stop hassling me.
Thank you