Dear LegalBeagles,
you have been kind enough to help me with debt problems in the past, I hope you will be able to do so again.
Between 2007 and 2008 I went through a bad period and lived on my accumulated credit for 18 months, by the beginning of 2009 the monthly repayments for my, by then many, debts exceeded my monthly income. From that point on I buried my head in the sand and stopped paying all of my debts, foolishly ignoring them completely.
Two of the debts I had ignored since 2009 were a £5000 flexiloan and a £1000 [possibly £1500] agreed overdraft on my current account, both with HSBC. Having gained a little knowledge from reading your forums I had assumed that the larger debt would have been statute barred by now, however this appears now not to be the case.
For the past few years I have recieved letters from Lowell, under their various guises, chasing a debt to HSBC for £7000. I was puzzled as I thought the amount was too much for interest and charges on a £1000 overdraft. Recently their letters have become more frequent [fortnightly], claiming pre-legal assessment and offering 40% discounts. Looking back through my old, ignored correspondance from HSBC I have discovered that when I stopped paying into my flexiloan and overdraft in early 2009, HSBC continued to take £200 a month from my overdraft, authorising an increase in my overdraft each time and charging my account, untill the entirety of the £5000 flexiloan had been transferred into the overdraft on my current account; this despite my not paying into either and they having had no communication from me for the whole period.
I'm unsure what to do about this debt. Should I accept their discount and come to an agreement to repay this debt? Or, is there a realistic way of challenging this debt? I feel that a solicitors letter from them isn't too far away; but why offer me a discount if they have everything necessary to proceed to recover this debt?
I have only dealt with credit card debt before, not overdraft debt which I believe isn't statute barred, therefore I would welcome any advice that LeagleBeagles can give me
Many Thanks,
Eternal Ostrich.
p.s. apologies if I have posted this in the wrong forum/ place
you have been kind enough to help me with debt problems in the past, I hope you will be able to do so again.
Between 2007 and 2008 I went through a bad period and lived on my accumulated credit for 18 months, by the beginning of 2009 the monthly repayments for my, by then many, debts exceeded my monthly income. From that point on I buried my head in the sand and stopped paying all of my debts, foolishly ignoring them completely.
Two of the debts I had ignored since 2009 were a £5000 flexiloan and a £1000 [possibly £1500] agreed overdraft on my current account, both with HSBC. Having gained a little knowledge from reading your forums I had assumed that the larger debt would have been statute barred by now, however this appears now not to be the case.
For the past few years I have recieved letters from Lowell, under their various guises, chasing a debt to HSBC for £7000. I was puzzled as I thought the amount was too much for interest and charges on a £1000 overdraft. Recently their letters have become more frequent [fortnightly], claiming pre-legal assessment and offering 40% discounts. Looking back through my old, ignored correspondance from HSBC I have discovered that when I stopped paying into my flexiloan and overdraft in early 2009, HSBC continued to take £200 a month from my overdraft, authorising an increase in my overdraft each time and charging my account, untill the entirety of the £5000 flexiloan had been transferred into the overdraft on my current account; this despite my not paying into either and they having had no communication from me for the whole period.
I'm unsure what to do about this debt. Should I accept their discount and come to an agreement to repay this debt? Or, is there a realistic way of challenging this debt? I feel that a solicitors letter from them isn't too far away; but why offer me a discount if they have everything necessary to proceed to recover this debt?
I have only dealt with credit card debt before, not overdraft debt which I believe isn't statute barred, therefore I would welcome any advice that LeagleBeagles can give me
Many Thanks,
Eternal Ostrich.
p.s. apologies if I have posted this in the wrong forum/ place