Hello everyone,
I am so confused (afraid) that I don’t know where tostart or how to explain my current despair.
Indeed, my problem start when I went online to check mycredit score… since then everything collapsed alike a sand castle on the beach.
The story:
In November 2011, I received a correspondence from countycourt related to a claim made by Arrow Global. I responded to the applicationform sent by the court, highlighting my concern about the possibility of missidentity and enquiring for the possibility to receive clear explanatory proofof the debt (5k); which Arrow allegedly accused me of owing to Nat west Bank.
I also sent an email to The County Court informing themabout my financial situation and my inability to pay any court fees, because Iwas unemployed at that time… (Including filling the form of exemption)
Since then, I moved home and did not receive anycorrespondence from Court, or Arrow Global.
The situation remained the same until I checked my creditscore, and found that I have CCJ was issued in March 2012 againstme for the entire amount.
After which, I received a threating letters fromShoosmiths Solicitors which I never reply to, because I was in fear of puttingmyself in more trouble. (They also asked me to complete Income and ExpenditureForm, to enable them to fixe an agreement of payment in accordance with thecourt judgement)
In the last letter I received from them, they have askedme to contact them urgently within 14 days… failure to do so, they threaten meto revert to their client seeking instructions regarding enforcement.(Application for an attachment of earnings, or for a warrant of control, or fora charge on property)…
My mind did not rest… I could not sleep any more… and Iam on the edge of breakdown…
I don’t mind paying any debt as long as I am confidentthat I truly owed this 5k amount to the referred bank….
1- Could I still be able to appeal the CCJ made on March 2012?(knowing I have never attended a hearing and had only few correspondence withthe court in that regards)
2- Can I still ask theShoosmiths Solicitors to send me, before proceeding in taken enforcement actionfrom the court:
4- If an enforcement is made against me… will the bailiff have theright to break in my rented house and get possession of my belongings?
5- If the issue will be dragged upon March 2018, Will I still beable to send them in April 2018 SBd?
I shall be grateful if youcould enlighten me on the above questions as I do not know anyone with Lawknowledge and I would like to avoid any embarrassment to my family members.
Many Thanks for your valuabletime,
I am so confused (afraid) that I don’t know where tostart or how to explain my current despair.
Indeed, my problem start when I went online to check mycredit score… since then everything collapsed alike a sand castle on the beach.
The story:
In November 2011, I received a correspondence from countycourt related to a claim made by Arrow Global. I responded to the applicationform sent by the court, highlighting my concern about the possibility of missidentity and enquiring for the possibility to receive clear explanatory proofof the debt (5k); which Arrow allegedly accused me of owing to Nat west Bank.
I also sent an email to The County Court informing themabout my financial situation and my inability to pay any court fees, because Iwas unemployed at that time… (Including filling the form of exemption)
Since then, I moved home and did not receive anycorrespondence from Court, or Arrow Global.
The situation remained the same until I checked my creditscore, and found that I have CCJ was issued in March 2012 againstme for the entire amount.
After which, I received a threating letters fromShoosmiths Solicitors which I never reply to, because I was in fear of puttingmyself in more trouble. (They also asked me to complete Income and ExpenditureForm, to enable them to fixe an agreement of payment in accordance with thecourt judgement)
In the last letter I received from them, they have askedme to contact them urgently within 14 days… failure to do so, they threaten meto revert to their client seeking instructions regarding enforcement.(Application for an attachment of earnings, or for a warrant of control, or fora charge on property)…
My mind did not rest… I could not sleep any more… and Iam on the edge of breakdown…
I don’t mind paying any debt as long as I am confidentthat I truly owed this 5k amount to the referred bank….
1- Could I still be able to appeal the CCJ made on March 2012?(knowing I have never attended a hearing and had only few correspondence withthe court in that regards)
2- Can I still ask theShoosmiths Solicitors to send me, before proceeding in taken enforcement actionfrom the court:
1. Theoriginal credit agreement;
2. TheDefault Notice
3. TheNotice of Assignment;
4. Statementsof account
3- Being a self-employed onlow income and receiving HB & CTS, as well as, Tax Credit… I cannot affordat the moment paying such debt (once they confirm its eligibility)… Can stillask for the judgement to be postponed on the basis of my financial situationand until it improves? 2. TheDefault Notice
3. TheNotice of Assignment;
4. Statementsof account
4- If an enforcement is made against me… will the bailiff have theright to break in my rented house and get possession of my belongings?
5- If the issue will be dragged upon March 2018, Will I still beable to send them in April 2018 SBd?
I shall be grateful if youcould enlighten me on the above questions as I do not know anyone with Lawknowledge and I would like to avoid any embarrassment to my family members.
Many Thanks for your valuabletime,