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DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

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  • DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

    Hi All,
    I have read lots on DCA's over the last few days. Great Forum! I'm not sure the question I have has been answered already. Please let me explain.
    I used my Brother's Ebay account for Over a year. In December Ebay Permanently suspended his account (an even longer story!). My Fees and Chargbacks by May 2015 had totalled £900 odd. I have not paid these. Ebay have passed details and debt onto Transcom. The letter is attached/ Transcom have addressed the letter to my Brother. Before starting any letter process (or coming to some kind of deal) I would like the details (Name, DOB etc) changed to my name. Is this possible to do and is there a process I should go down? I have not contacted Transcom yet and await guidance from you guys before I do so. The purpose of this is so it does not affect my Brothers Credit Rating in any way.

    Waiting in anticipation for sound Advice.
    Attached Files
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  • #2
    Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

    Hi welcome to LB,

    A common problem with relatives using others accounts, all too easy until something goes wrong.
    I am given to understand that such arrangements are not permitted, from one such case I have dealt
    with Pay Pal will not change account holders details to a 3rd party.

    Transcom are not the easiest company to deal with, and I seriously doubt they will take any regard to 3rd party involvement in such a debt.



    • #3
      Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

      Nem thank you for your valued, honest reply and the welcome.

      A little more information/clarity from me.

      This is a Ebay issue and not Paypal. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. Secondly as you can see from the attached Ebay Invoice my balance with them is at 0. Ebay has marked all outstanding items as "Chargeoff" as you can see in the invoice details. My understanding is this is because they have 'wrote off' the debt and sold it to Transcom. Does this make a difference as I want to change the details with Transcom and not Ebay. I can have my Brother call/write to them so no 3rd party would be talking to them (Transcom) at this stage. Could we write a set of letters; My Brother declining the debt is and me accepting the debt as mine?

      Realistically I don't want to walk away from this debt. If it stays in my Brothers name then I would pay in Full (to protect his credit rating). If it can be transferred to my name (the preferred option) then I would try to negotiate a better deal (as my credit rating is shot anyway!).

      Waiting in anticipation for sound Advice.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

        Originally posted by mojavaid36 View Post
        Nem thank you for your valued, honest reply and the welcome.

        A little more information/clarity from me.

        This is a Ebay issue and not Paypal. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. Secondly as you can see from the attached Ebay Invoice my balance with them is at 0. Ebay has marked all outstanding items as "Chargeoff" as you can see in the invoice details. My understanding is this is because they have 'wrote off' the debt and sold it to Transcom. Does this make a difference as I want to change the details with Transcom and not Ebay. I can have my Brother call/write to them so no 3rd party would be talking to them (Transcom) at this stage. Could we write a set of letters; My Brother declining the debt is and me accepting the debt as mine?

        Realistically I don't want to walk away from this debt. If it stays in my Brothers name then I would pay in Full (to protect his credit rating). If it can be transferred to my name (the preferred option) then I would try to negotiate a better deal (as my credit rating is shot anyway!).

        Waiting in anticipation for sound Advice.
        Hi the similarity with the pay pal account case in this is very close.

        The Charge Off may well arise as the responsibility for collection to Transcom or even that it has been sold to a debt purchaser as happened in the pay pal case.
        You can try the letters by all means but my guess is Transcom will contact E Bay for data alerting them to " misuse" of the account.

        I've had a number of dealings with Transcom and uncooperative is an understatement.

        All I can say is try it and see Moj, Please be aware that the debt most likely appears on your brothers credit file, changing this is another problem that only E Bay can sort out.



        • #5
          Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

          Thank you again for your guidance.

          Originally posted by nemesis45 View Post
          Please be aware that the debt most likely appears on your brothers credit file, changing this is another problem that only E Bay can sort out.
          Not sure what you mean by this. If we pay in full then will Transcom update the credit file for my Bro or would I have to contact Ebay to do this?
          What would it likely to say on his credit file? Would it reflect a payment in full?

          Again thanks again.


          • #6
            Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

            Originally posted by mojavaid36 View Post
            Thank you again for your guidance.

            Not sure what you mean by this. If we pay in full then will Transcom update the credit file for my Bro or would I have to contact Ebay to do this?
            What would it likely to say on his credit file? Would it reflect a payment in full?
            Unfortunately a defaulted account remains on credit files marked " satisfied " for 6 years from the default date, urgent need for your bro to check his credit files I think.
            A default occurred and is a matter of record and is difficult to remove.



            • #7
              Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

              Sorry One last question
              If I were to reach a deal (a full and final settlement) of say £500 I assume it would say something different to "Satisfied"?


              • #8
                Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

                Originally posted by mojavaid36 View Post
                Sorry One last question
                If I were to reach a deal (a full and final settlement) of say £500 I assume it would say something different to "Satisfied"?
                Partially satisfied usually. :mmph:


                • #9
                  Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

                  Originally posted by FlamingParrot View Post
                  Partially satisfied usually. :mmph:
                  Just as bad as a default I'm afraid.



                  • #10
                    Re: DCA - Need to Change Name on Debt

                    OK. Advice puts me in great place. Think I'll sleep on it and let you know.
                    Thank you again.


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