I don't think I've posted before about this account, but thought it useful to start a thread of what's cooking. Basically it was a Barclaycard started in 2000 and after the bank charges movement started I reclaimed charges in about 2007/8. More charges were added some time later.
July 2012 - I wrote to Barclaycard stating that nothing was left owing due to the charges added.
Sept 2012 - they refused to accept that nothing was left owing.
30 Sept 2012 - I sent LBA threatening legal action, but didn't follow this up.
5 Nov 2012 - Default Notice sent by Mercers.
2012-14 - correspondence from various jokers including Mercers, Allied International, Raven, all given the Foxtrot Oscar treatment.
22 May 2013 - default registered according to Experian.
15 May 2014 - MKDP write saying they are the new owner. They also send a fake Notice of Assignment (same date) on Barclaycard-headed paper pretending it has come from Barclaycard.
- - - Updated - - -
I want to get the default of the credit report, so sent this letter recently to MKDP.
27 July 2015
Dear Sir/Madam
Account no.
Your ref:
I refer you to the attached correspondence regarding this account and draw your attention to the following facts:
1. I owe nothing on this account, owing to the unlawful penalty charges applied by Barclaycard, which exceed the amount you claim exists.
2. A request for refunding the charges was sent to Barclaycard on 30 July 2012, but they refused to refund on 21 September 2012.
3. A Letter Before Action was issued to Barclaycard on 30 September 2012, but to date I have not commenced legal action for recovery.
4. You claim that the account was assigned to you by letter of 15 May 2014, yet no valid Notice of Assignment was ever sent by Barclaycard. The only attempt at a Notice of Assignment was sent by yourselves on Barclaycard-headed paper and purporting to have come from them.
5. Despite the lack of valid assignment, I note that in your letter of 15 May 2014 you accept the duties as the data controller for the account, and my credit file with Experian confirms this.
6. Given the facts above, I therefore hold you responsible for filing false information with the credit reference agencies.
7. If you did purchase this account from Barclaycard, then they sold this to you in the full knowledge that no debt exists and that legal action for recovery was pending.
8. The default date recorded by yourselves is 22 May 2015 and by that date the unlawful charges applied to the account exceeded the figure of Ł343, even without interest added.
The registered default is unlawful and must be removed from all of my credit files. I now require written confirmation from you that this has been done and that the issues over this account are closed.
If I do not hear confirmation of this within 30 days of the receipt of this letter than you will leave me no alternative but to commence legal action, which is likely to include the following within the claim:
• Removal of the unlawful default.
• Full refund of the unlawful penalty charges that currently total Ł360 (less the Ł343).
• Interest on the charges from inception, either at standard or contractual rate of interest.
• All of my legal and other costs.
• Costs for my time.
• Damages in regard to filing false data on my credit file.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
- - - Updated - - -
Today I received this reply.
July 2012 - I wrote to Barclaycard stating that nothing was left owing due to the charges added.
Sept 2012 - they refused to accept that nothing was left owing.
30 Sept 2012 - I sent LBA threatening legal action, but didn't follow this up.
5 Nov 2012 - Default Notice sent by Mercers.
2012-14 - correspondence from various jokers including Mercers, Allied International, Raven, all given the Foxtrot Oscar treatment.
22 May 2013 - default registered according to Experian.
15 May 2014 - MKDP write saying they are the new owner. They also send a fake Notice of Assignment (same date) on Barclaycard-headed paper pretending it has come from Barclaycard.
- - - Updated - - -
I want to get the default of the credit report, so sent this letter recently to MKDP.
27 July 2015
Dear Sir/Madam
Account no.
Your ref:
I refer you to the attached correspondence regarding this account and draw your attention to the following facts:
1. I owe nothing on this account, owing to the unlawful penalty charges applied by Barclaycard, which exceed the amount you claim exists.
2. A request for refunding the charges was sent to Barclaycard on 30 July 2012, but they refused to refund on 21 September 2012.
3. A Letter Before Action was issued to Barclaycard on 30 September 2012, but to date I have not commenced legal action for recovery.
4. You claim that the account was assigned to you by letter of 15 May 2014, yet no valid Notice of Assignment was ever sent by Barclaycard. The only attempt at a Notice of Assignment was sent by yourselves on Barclaycard-headed paper and purporting to have come from them.
5. Despite the lack of valid assignment, I note that in your letter of 15 May 2014 you accept the duties as the data controller for the account, and my credit file with Experian confirms this.
6. Given the facts above, I therefore hold you responsible for filing false information with the credit reference agencies.
7. If you did purchase this account from Barclaycard, then they sold this to you in the full knowledge that no debt exists and that legal action for recovery was pending.
8. The default date recorded by yourselves is 22 May 2015 and by that date the unlawful charges applied to the account exceeded the figure of Ł343, even without interest added.
The registered default is unlawful and must be removed from all of my credit files. I now require written confirmation from you that this has been done and that the issues over this account are closed.
If I do not hear confirmation of this within 30 days of the receipt of this letter than you will leave me no alternative but to commence legal action, which is likely to include the following within the claim:
• Removal of the unlawful default.
• Full refund of the unlawful penalty charges that currently total Ł360 (less the Ł343).
• Interest on the charges from inception, either at standard or contractual rate of interest.
• All of my legal and other costs.
• Costs for my time.
• Damages in regard to filing false data on my credit file.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
- - - Updated - - -
Today I received this reply.