I need some advice from this forum as I have never been in this situation before , westcot has sent me a debt recovery letter on behalf of severntrent water dispute date goes back to 2010. They are asking for £250 recovery instead the actual bill should have been just £45.
Back in 2010 I had moved out a single bed property as tenant and did inform severntrentwater about forwarding address and had already paid water bill of last bill Oct 2009 so what I was left with was just 3 months Nov,Dec,Jan . They never sent me any bill and forwarding bill and now after 4 yr 10 months they have sent letter from westcot.
I was surpised to see £250 bill just for 3 months so when I called westcot/severntrentwater back they said I was listed on property until May [which was wrong] then they asked me to provide proof of that which I did by getting last council bill [luckily council was able to provide me with 4yr 10 month old bill]. After all of that they are saying it does not affect my bill and I still owe £240 odd because of county court judgement on my case.
I am feeling like being cheated here, its there fault that they never sent a bill on my forwarding address . It clearly looks like they never noted my fwding address and closed the account.
What can I do now , I should be only paying £45 . What options do I have ?
I need some advice from this forum as I have never been in this situation before , westcot has sent me a debt recovery letter on behalf of severntrent water dispute date goes back to 2010. They are asking for £250 recovery instead the actual bill should have been just £45.
Back in 2010 I had moved out a single bed property as tenant and did inform severntrentwater about forwarding address and had already paid water bill of last bill Oct 2009 so what I was left with was just 3 months Nov,Dec,Jan . They never sent me any bill and forwarding bill and now after 4 yr 10 months they have sent letter from westcot.
I was surpised to see £250 bill just for 3 months so when I called westcot/severntrentwater back they said I was listed on property until May [which was wrong] then they asked me to provide proof of that which I did by getting last council bill [luckily council was able to provide me with 4yr 10 month old bill]. After all of that they are saying it does not affect my bill and I still owe £240 odd because of county court judgement on my case.
I am feeling like being cheated here, its there fault that they never sent a bill on my forwarding address . It clearly looks like they never noted my fwding address and closed the account.
What can I do now , I should be only paying £45 . What options do I have ?