I need some advice on how to proceed. the particulars of my case are as follows:
Basically, on 15th Oct 2012 Arrow Global made a claim against me for a credit card debt of £12,570 (owed to MBNA) , the form was issued from Northampton county court.
23rd Oct 2012 - With information gathered from this forum i sent Restons' solicitors (and copied the court ) a CPR 31.14 requesting copies of
i) The agreement
ii) The Assignment
11 November 2012 - i filed a Defence to Claim and the court acknowledged receipt on 12/11/2012. Their letter stated clearly that the claimant had 28 days in which to respond, and if this period lapsed, the ONLY action the claimant had was to apply to a judge for an order lifting the stay.
21st January 2013 - received a letter from Restons solicitors acknowledging my defence to the court. They enclosed the following documentation:
i. Credit card agreement (executed online) - Nothing with my signature!!
ii.Original terms and conditions
iii.Latest terms and conditions
iv. Re-created copy of defence notice
v. statement of account dated 9th aug 2011.
vi. Letter from MBNA confirming the account had been assigned to a 3rd party (PS Letter not dated!)
May 9th 2013 - I received another letter from Restons enclosing;
i. Notice of Hearing application from Luton CC to take place 30th July 2013- For the stay to be lifted.
ii. Application Notice - by Arrow Global asking the coourt to 1) An Order to lift the stay 2) Order that my defence be struck out on the basis that it discloses no reasonable grounds for defending the claim and 3) Order or summary judgement on the grounds that the defendant has No real prospect of successfully defending the claim and 4) An order that the defendant pay the claimants costs on a contractual basis.
What are my options in this case? The date of the hearing is fast looming.
Please help!
Basically, on 15th Oct 2012 Arrow Global made a claim against me for a credit card debt of £12,570 (owed to MBNA) , the form was issued from Northampton county court.
23rd Oct 2012 - With information gathered from this forum i sent Restons' solicitors (and copied the court ) a CPR 31.14 requesting copies of
i) The agreement
ii) The Assignment
11 November 2012 - i filed a Defence to Claim and the court acknowledged receipt on 12/11/2012. Their letter stated clearly that the claimant had 28 days in which to respond, and if this period lapsed, the ONLY action the claimant had was to apply to a judge for an order lifting the stay.
21st January 2013 - received a letter from Restons solicitors acknowledging my defence to the court. They enclosed the following documentation:
i. Credit card agreement (executed online) - Nothing with my signature!!
ii.Original terms and conditions
iii.Latest terms and conditions
iv. Re-created copy of defence notice
v. statement of account dated 9th aug 2011.
vi. Letter from MBNA confirming the account had been assigned to a 3rd party (PS Letter not dated!)
May 9th 2013 - I received another letter from Restons enclosing;
i. Notice of Hearing application from Luton CC to take place 30th July 2013- For the stay to be lifted.
ii. Application Notice - by Arrow Global asking the coourt to 1) An Order to lift the stay 2) Order that my defence be struck out on the basis that it discloses no reasonable grounds for defending the claim and 3) Order or summary judgement on the grounds that the defendant has No real prospect of successfully defending the claim and 4) An order that the defendant pay the claimants costs on a contractual basis.
What are my options in this case? The date of the hearing is fast looming.
Please help!