Re: Let sleeping dogs lie ?
It depends on the situation, if a default is recorded after a couple of missed payments, and then some time later he decides to enforce and issues a section 87 notice, this default record will remain. If the debtor remedies the Section 87, the creditor will continue to report the activity of the account, and yes if it is defaulted again the default date would be up-dated.( although I have known case wher the creditor has been peersuaded to remove the original default if the account is kept in good order, but there is no requirement for them to do so)
The IcO guidelines recommend that the creditor gives 28 days notice before they record a "D" on the file, so if this notice is sent at the same time as the section 87 notice and this is subsequently remedied along with the section 87 then the account should continue with no default being recorded. (Although the missed payments will be).
All copies sent are subject to the form requirements made under section 180 of the act and must represent a "true copy", this is defined by the relevant S/I(1983/1557 etc)
It depends on the situation, if a default is recorded after a couple of missed payments, and then some time later he decides to enforce and issues a section 87 notice, this default record will remain. If the debtor remedies the Section 87, the creditor will continue to report the activity of the account, and yes if it is defaulted again the default date would be up-dated.( although I have known case wher the creditor has been peersuaded to remove the original default if the account is kept in good order, but there is no requirement for them to do so)
The IcO guidelines recommend that the creditor gives 28 days notice before they record a "D" on the file, so if this notice is sent at the same time as the section 87 notice and this is subsequently remedied along with the section 87 then the account should continue with no default being recorded. (Although the missed payments will be).
All copies sent are subject to the form requirements made under section 180 of the act and must represent a "true copy", this is defined by the relevant S/I(1983/1557 etc)