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ATOS wont give me an appointment for medical assessment

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  • ATOS wont give me an appointment for medical assessment


    I applied for Employment and Support benefit and asked for it to be recorded on the date of my medical assessment on 23rd August 2012. I got another letter saying this appointment was cancelled. I then got a phone call from my local medical center to arrange another appointment but we were unable to make an appointment when i was free and the recording equipment was available. I have heard nothing since.
    I have sent two emails and one letter to ATOS asking for another appointment but no response.
    What should i do now.

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  • #2
    Re: ATOS wont give me an appointment for medical assessment

    Contact Jobcentre Plus, but contact your MP and let them know how ATOS are messing you around first.
    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


    • #3
      Re: ATOS wont give me an appointment for medical assessment

      Hello Bluebottle

      I have already contacted the job center and they said they will contact ATOS and get them to ring me but they havent
      I will contact them again as you sugested. As for contacting my MP i have tried to contact my MP for an appointment about another matter and they too have not responded is their anything i can do about that, i have sent letters and emails but nothing. What does it take to get a response ?



      • #4
        Re: ATOS wont give me an appointment for medical assessment

        Originally posted by bambisoloved View Post
        As for contacting my MP i have tried to contact my MP for an appointment about another matter and they too have not responded is their anything i can do about that, i have sent letters and emails but nothing. What does it take to get a response ?
        To answer your question directly, the risk of losing votes can sometimes induce even the most coprocephalic snollygoster to response appropriately or to "kick the can" down to someone who will.

        Of course, ATOS may pretend that the cause of the delay stems from your insistence that the "assessment" be recorded but, given the way that the ATOS assessors downplay conditions and (wilfully?) misinterpret what claimants say, it is merely prudent to record the "assessment".

        If your MP has a local "surgery", it might be an idea to go there to ask him/her to pull out at least one finger - it would be better still if you could get a journalist to go with you.


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