Meritforce, Buchananclark+wells,Hamptons,Mackenzie Hall or Lowell!
Hello, I am new to the forum so I apologies now if I go off at tangent and the length of this message however I found you after searching for some information regarding bailiffs, debts and striving to achieve financial wellbeing then hopefully a good nights sleep! What a wonderful and much needed support site.
This is the first two debts of many but small steps....
In May of this year I found a Payment Protection Certificate for a Barclaycard which I opened in 2002 and made what I believed to be my final payment to clear the balance and close the account, £2500 on 21 March 2006. Not aware of the PPI on the closed account I completed a PPI consumer questionnaire and sent it of to the bank I did inform them that I was disputing a £251.81 outstanding balance. I have had no response in any way to the questionnaire.
However I have been receiving letters from all the mentioned debt companies claiming I owe £251.81 although Fredrickson's claims £316.81. Admittedly the las of theses were in 2011 these have been replaced by phones calls two most weekends the last 27/12 always the same two numbers one after the other and at the same time 12-12.30.
I discovered a thread on the forum regarding the various balifs and debt collection companies and the term statute barred and hope by posting this members out there may be able to point me in the right direction, next steps.
I have another similar situation with Lloyds TSB: Nelson Guest & partners, MHA Collections, Moorcroft Debt Recovery, Moorcroft Group Plc, Wescott who all claim they own a debt for Lloyds TSB for £996.87
although MHA say it's £139.76. Again I paid of this outstanding balance of £2931 early 2006 and to my knowledge have no accounts with Lloyds.
As Barclaycard I requested a refund from lloyds of my PPI they did reply ' unable to agree the complaint should be upheld'. Something about it being taken out in 2001, a battle for another time!
To my knowledge the last payment on both of theses cards were in 2006 when balances were cleared. Standing orders/direct debits were cancelled in the January of 2006, it's weird the things, I hoard I found a copy of the letter I sent to the bank they sent it back to me with a query.
This could be a long way of asking:
1. By making a PPI claim have I set the ball rolling for all the above debt collectors to start the chase again for the debts they believe the now own?
2. Who actually owns the debt Barclaycard/Lloyds?
3 Are either of these debts statute barred?
Thank you for your time reading my post and all comments will be welcomed
Hello, I am new to the forum so I apologies now if I go off at tangent and the length of this message however I found you after searching for some information regarding bailiffs, debts and striving to achieve financial wellbeing then hopefully a good nights sleep! What a wonderful and much needed support site.
This is the first two debts of many but small steps....
In May of this year I found a Payment Protection Certificate for a Barclaycard which I opened in 2002 and made what I believed to be my final payment to clear the balance and close the account, £2500 on 21 March 2006. Not aware of the PPI on the closed account I completed a PPI consumer questionnaire and sent it of to the bank I did inform them that I was disputing a £251.81 outstanding balance. I have had no response in any way to the questionnaire.
However I have been receiving letters from all the mentioned debt companies claiming I owe £251.81 although Fredrickson's claims £316.81. Admittedly the las of theses were in 2011 these have been replaced by phones calls two most weekends the last 27/12 always the same two numbers one after the other and at the same time 12-12.30.
I discovered a thread on the forum regarding the various balifs and debt collection companies and the term statute barred and hope by posting this members out there may be able to point me in the right direction, next steps.
I have another similar situation with Lloyds TSB: Nelson Guest & partners, MHA Collections, Moorcroft Debt Recovery, Moorcroft Group Plc, Wescott who all claim they own a debt for Lloyds TSB for £996.87
although MHA say it's £139.76. Again I paid of this outstanding balance of £2931 early 2006 and to my knowledge have no accounts with Lloyds.
As Barclaycard I requested a refund from lloyds of my PPI they did reply ' unable to agree the complaint should be upheld'. Something about it being taken out in 2001, a battle for another time!
To my knowledge the last payment on both of theses cards were in 2006 when balances were cleared. Standing orders/direct debits were cancelled in the January of 2006, it's weird the things, I hoard I found a copy of the letter I sent to the bank they sent it back to me with a query.
This could be a long way of asking:
1. By making a PPI claim have I set the ball rolling for all the above debt collectors to start the chase again for the debts they believe the now own?
2. Who actually owns the debt Barclaycard/Lloyds?
3 Are either of these debts statute barred?
Thank you for your time reading my post and all comments will be welcomed