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BTL property reposession query

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  • BTL property reposession query

    Hi all,

    I've posted this in another 'room' but don't seem to be getting many responses so hoping for more help in here!

    hi all,

    i have an issue!

    my wife owns a property (mortgaged with mortgage express) and due to the fact we could not afford to renovate the place when my business collapsed, we fell into arrears.

    m.x started repossession proceedings so I requested an emergency hearing at court and offered to pay the mortgage plus £100 per month until arrears were cleared.

    this went fine for around 3 months, we then got a letter in july stating the arrangement had been broken and they were applying to court to get possession proceedings started again. I called them, and they informed me it was because a payment in june was 20p (yes 20p!) short.

    since then, we have had a little girl who arrived early and we have not paid the mortgage since.

    we received a letter last week saying repossession/eviction would take place on 11th dec. The arrears stand at around £1200, we were expecting my wife to get paid today and clear them in full, she hasnt been paid and isnt until wednesday, the day after the eviction!

    is there anything we can do? we've just been accepted on a council grant to get the property fully renovated (i'm geussing this will stand us in good stead with the judge as it is to house a family who currently doesnt have a home under a new council scheme) so we dont wish to lose it, and can clear the arrears in full next week if pressed to do so, which is quicker than m.x were originally going to get them cleared.

    I have a few questions:

    1. can i apply for an extension in order to clear the arrears? if so, how do i do this?
    2. if the posession takes place on the 11th, do i get a period where i can get property back if arrears cleared?
    3. do i stand a chance with the court of getting an extension and paying say 50% of the arrears? we can clear in full (but AFTER the eviction date of the 11th), but it will clear us out for xmas!

    any help massively appreciated!
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  • #2
    Re: BTL property reposession query

    You need to go to the court first thing tomorrow morning to advise the courts that the council have given a grant and that when your wife gets paid in a few days time you can pay all the arrears off in full and ask for a 7 day extension. .20p is suck a small amount for them to have started this procedure of repossession.


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