Urgent help please. My time is running out (defence due Tuesday 6/11/12). Have been following threads by Militant, Mystery1 and Curlyben and so far have acknowledged service, sent CPR31.14 and CPR 15.5 requests. No written response yet from solicitor (acting for Arrow Global Guernsey). Their 7 days for response is well over so phoned on Friday. They confirmed my letter received and papers requested from client and also that file is now on hold until paperwork received. They could give no date to acquiese with my request. I sent email (high priority with read receipt) confirming conversation and again requesting 28 day extension ''as I can’t put my defence forward until I receive the documents from you that you are going to rely on and the only option I have if you can’t agree the extension is to apply to the Court which will incur costs and which I will seek to recover from you for your failing to provide me with the documents I need to formulate my defence. Please confirm in writing that you will not proceed with your claim until I have been supplied with copies of the requested documents and that you will agree to an extension of 28 days from my receipt of those documents for me to be in a position to submit my defence to the court.' No ack yet.
If I don't get a reply what's the best way forward? Send N244 request to court which will cost me £45 or is there some other way? I believe I can do N244 on line but do I have to provide any other paperwork at this time.. Decided to start new post as there are so many threads to keep tabs on that answer some of my questions. But thanks for all that I have gleaned so far.
If I don't get a reply what's the best way forward? Send N244 request to court which will cost me £45 or is there some other way? I believe I can do N244 on line but do I have to provide any other paperwork at this time.. Decided to start new post as there are so many threads to keep tabs on that answer some of my questions. But thanks for all that I have gleaned so far.