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is it all bluff

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  • is it all bluff

    hi all

    i moved house about 3 years ago and just recently been getting letters at new address from robinson way regarding a 5 year old debt. now, i have never answered any of the letters at all and the last letter i got said we are sending a door step collector if i dont respond in 10 days. my question is. are they bluffing as they have no idea im at this address and just waiting for me to get in touch to confirm were i am. the debt will be statute barred in about 6 months.

    many thanks for your advice in advance

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  • #2
    Re: is it all bluff

    It isHIGHLY unlikely they will send a doorstep collector, even if they did know you lived there. If they did send one, simply save on your heating bill and shut the door!


    • #3
      Re: is it all bluff

      Originally posted by labman View Post
      It isHIGHLY unlikely they will send a doorstep collector, even if they did know you lived there. If they did send one, simply save on your heating bill and shut the door!
      lol thanks for that... i love the analogies on here (not a clue how to spell it)


      • #4
        Re: is it all bluff

        10/10 for spelling - spot on!


        • #5
          Re: is it all bluff

          chancing their luck - with 16 unsecured debts, being chased by numerous agencies over the last 4 yrs, only once have we had a doorstep collector turn up - we don't have a doorstep and he was sent on his way. we haven't moved since we defaulted on our debts and we still have a mortgage on the property so there is no doubt that this is our home.

          Do NOTHING xx


          • #6
            Re: is it all bluff

            Gee you only got 16 i got 18 and not a cats hell in chance of paying any off being chased for only one


            • #7
              Re: is it all bluff

              Originally posted by wales01man View Post
              Gee you only got 16 i got 18 and not a cats hell in chance of paying any off being chased for only one
              Only being chased for one..... MMmmm Swap ya, I think I am partly responsible over the last four years for the deforestation of half of Brasil's rain forest.



              • #8
                Re: is it all bluff

                I suppose you and i should apologigise on here for making a joke about debt but if you were like me when the sums involved were unpayable debts i had 2 successful businesses making good money paying bills but taking out very little for myself yjen came the receesion where small firms like mine were left to fold yet the bankers were bailed out to say i i dont give a toss about the banks and other orginisations i owe is an understatement if i was in a position to pay what i owe i would still have businesses with a turnover in excess of half a million a nice house and a fat pay packet these i dont have i expect at some time when the major creditors catch up then it will all be gone until then i shall live my life never worrying about debts .
                Despite my attitude to all this i really feel for those in financial dire straits and can imagine their fears my one wish would be that those chasing debtors took to looking into the debtors ability to pay before making demands that cannot be meet then those who can will pay and those that cant are not bled dry Blood out of a stone always comes to mind ?


                • #9
                  Re: is it all bluff

                  That's right, don't worry about it, keep your head down for 6 months and see what happens in that time. These DCAs rely on frightening people with their unreasonable demands and stupid template letters. Don't reply and especially don't sign anything. If someone calls to your home send them away - you have no obligation to speak to them. That goes for phone calls too, although I guess they don't have your number.
                  The only time you really need to act is if you get a county court claim, but even then there's things you can do to defend yourself. Oh and also if they serve you with a statutory demand, but there's a load of good information and guidance on this site for you if either of those come about. So relax.


                  • #10
                    Re: is it all bluff



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