The following facts and guidance can be easily checked and verified with a llittle research. Arden Credit Management Ltd is a 'Trading Style' of Moorgate which, in turn, is a group of wealthy venture capitalists who set up Moorgate-Britannica s.a.r.l. and other front Companies in Luxumbourg and elsewhere and bought in large amounts of unrecovered bank debt, especially Egg Loans via CitiGroup. Arden Credit Management hound debtors with an average of 20-30 phone calls a day but they hate writing letters. According to Company House records, Arden Credit Management annual accounts are dormant and the 'company' is not trading. I would question who in their right mind would agree to repay loans to a 'Company' whose ownership of the debt is questionable and which is no longer trading!
HSBC bank Plc set up D G Solicitors as a debt collection company pretending to be a firm of solicitors. The SRA state that D G is not and never has been a SRA Regulated firm of solicitors. Be careful, D G regularly file multiple claims in Northampon County Court and are ruthless (hence why they could not register as a regulated firm}.
Link Financial Outsourcing Ltd bought in unrecovered debts from MBNA and then immediately sold them to IDR Finance Ltd, but will 'manage recovery' for IDR. IDR Finance was set up in 2010, has a Company value of c£600 and a turnover of £66,000 - enough to pay a nominal salary to a Director and Company Secretary. This leaves them with very little resources to pursue legal action. But raise a query with Link Financial Outsourcing by e:mail and you may well get an auto response from Bank of America who, in turn, just happen to be the parent Company of MBNA, who sold the debt to Link Financial in the first place.
Some of these high Street financial institutions have set up some very dubious Companies from whom they distance themselves as a means of recovering debts which they could just as easily recover themselves. The FSA and Fraud Squad are currently looking into whether they have already recovered their losses by way of assignment/quantative easing or writing off toxic debt against tax liabilities. If so, to use front Companies to recover those same debts again would clearly be fraudulent!
Issued by Arthur Shuter,
HSBC bank Plc set up D G Solicitors as a debt collection company pretending to be a firm of solicitors. The SRA state that D G is not and never has been a SRA Regulated firm of solicitors. Be careful, D G regularly file multiple claims in Northampon County Court and are ruthless (hence why they could not register as a regulated firm}.
Link Financial Outsourcing Ltd bought in unrecovered debts from MBNA and then immediately sold them to IDR Finance Ltd, but will 'manage recovery' for IDR. IDR Finance was set up in 2010, has a Company value of c£600 and a turnover of £66,000 - enough to pay a nominal salary to a Director and Company Secretary. This leaves them with very little resources to pursue legal action. But raise a query with Link Financial Outsourcing by e:mail and you may well get an auto response from Bank of America who, in turn, just happen to be the parent Company of MBNA, who sold the debt to Link Financial in the first place.
Some of these high Street financial institutions have set up some very dubious Companies from whom they distance themselves as a means of recovering debts which they could just as easily recover themselves. The FSA and Fraud Squad are currently looking into whether they have already recovered their losses by way of assignment/quantative easing or writing off toxic debt against tax liabilities. If so, to use front Companies to recover those same debts again would clearly be fraudulent!
Issued by Arthur Shuter,