Re: HELP. In Court vs Varde Investments/Hegarty LLP
Well done Hephie!
Must be good chance that theyll cave in.
Youve won the battle, now win the war!!!!!
Originally posted by Hephaestus
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Hi Folks, major update...
Just got back from court, I have won and my application to have the judgment set aside has been granted.
Varde sent a solicitor to represent them, but he did not know who they were either and had never heard of IND. The paperwork he was sent was illegible and he was not able to make any comments except to request summary justice and allocate costs. He had been instructed to do this.
I now gather that this debt relate to a credit card that MBNA were the underwriters for but we don't know which card. The judge has given Varde 14 days to show proof "in the plastic" of this matter. (Vardes solicitor appeared to know what this meant but I am baffled!) I have to submit a defence by Nov 30th but I think I need to see what Varde do next.
It was a very scary thing, I was quite worked up and got nervous at the time. I was called by the judge to give evidence under oath. He asked if I had any other credit cards, I said I had two which were both active and were up to date. He took their details. He asked me if I ever had default judgments from any other credit cards in the past. This is my first CCJ so I answered no. He explained that this would get very serious if I was wrong.
In my statement to the court I said how Varde, Heggarty and IND had all failed to supply data. I was able to offer proof of delivery to IND and show that they had not responded either and were in default. I also said about the statements of arrears which I never received either and quoted the section about this makes the matter unenforceable whilst in a period of non compliance. I kept hoping the judge was gonna say that's enough and cancel the whole case but no such luck. I then stated that I believed I had acted promptly with regard to my N244 form. (This was mentioned in the nelson v clearwater case cited by Heggarty, so I made sure to get that one in there!!)
I then argued that I could win this case as Varde,Heggarty and now IND had all failed to comply with my requests for data and I believe they have no evidence or else they would have provided it by now.
Varde solicitor spoke with me after and said to wait and see what happens next and showed me how to format my defense to the court. I think it best to get a second opinion as he would obviously rather I messed it up.
I don't know where to go from here now, I don't know if I feel relieved, or more worried than before... But, if I never got the set aside, I would have lost. I just don't know how much heavier this is going to get or what my next move should be.
If anybody wants to learn something from reading this, then I would state, if you ever find yourself getting hassled by a debt collector, "Do not throw their letters out or ignore them hoping they will go away. They don't. "
Thank You to everyone who has advised me, I think I would be on the run now if it hadn't been for your wise council.
I will post further developments as they happen.
Just got back from court, I have won and my application to have the judgment set aside has been granted.
Varde sent a solicitor to represent them, but he did not know who they were either and had never heard of IND. The paperwork he was sent was illegible and he was not able to make any comments except to request summary justice and allocate costs. He had been instructed to do this.
I now gather that this debt relate to a credit card that MBNA were the underwriters for but we don't know which card. The judge has given Varde 14 days to show proof "in the plastic" of this matter. (Vardes solicitor appeared to know what this meant but I am baffled!) I have to submit a defence by Nov 30th but I think I need to see what Varde do next.
It was a very scary thing, I was quite worked up and got nervous at the time. I was called by the judge to give evidence under oath. He asked if I had any other credit cards, I said I had two which were both active and were up to date. He took their details. He asked me if I ever had default judgments from any other credit cards in the past. This is my first CCJ so I answered no. He explained that this would get very serious if I was wrong.
In my statement to the court I said how Varde, Heggarty and IND had all failed to supply data. I was able to offer proof of delivery to IND and show that they had not responded either and were in default. I also said about the statements of arrears which I never received either and quoted the section about this makes the matter unenforceable whilst in a period of non compliance. I kept hoping the judge was gonna say that's enough and cancel the whole case but no such luck. I then stated that I believed I had acted promptly with regard to my N244 form. (This was mentioned in the nelson v clearwater case cited by Heggarty, so I made sure to get that one in there!!)
I then argued that I could win this case as Varde,Heggarty and now IND had all failed to comply with my requests for data and I believe they have no evidence or else they would have provided it by now.
Varde solicitor spoke with me after and said to wait and see what happens next and showed me how to format my defense to the court. I think it best to get a second opinion as he would obviously rather I messed it up.
I don't know where to go from here now, I don't know if I feel relieved, or more worried than before... But, if I never got the set aside, I would have lost. I just don't know how much heavier this is going to get or what my next move should be.
If anybody wants to learn something from reading this, then I would state, if you ever find yourself getting hassled by a debt collector, "Do not throw their letters out or ignore them hoping they will go away. They don't. "
Thank You to everyone who has advised me, I think I would be on the run now if it hadn't been for your wise council.
I will post further developments as they happen.
Must be good chance that theyll cave in.
Youve won the battle, now win the war!!!!!